Bentley is my rescued 9-month-old pot-bellied pig and resident of the sanctuary I founded, EARTH Animal Sanctuary. On Feb 23 a seizure left him in a state of shock and he was diagnosed with bacterial meningitis, potentially fatal. He was given only a ten percent chance to live and yet he survived against all odds, though the meningitis left him blind. He is still in the hospital recuperating from his most recent surgery, and once his wounds heal, we will be able to finally bring him home. Every day, Bentley teaches me to be strong and never to give up. Through all of this, he has been nothing but happy, working so hard to regain the neurological function he lost due to the brain swelling. His fight to survive and to conquer every obstacle in his path is awe-inspiring. He is so very loved, and I'm so incredibly grateful he chose me as his Mum.
To a tiny little blind pig, the hospital noises can be very scary, so on my trips to see him every day, I sing to him to comfort him and reassure him that he is loved and that everything is going to be ok. Like all pigs, Bentley is incredibly intelligent and affectionate, and responds to love just like any human child would. I miss him so much when I have to leave him there every day and I can't wait until he can finally come home.