Here are some of my new charges.
This is Austin. He's on a diet, he needs to lose quite a bit of weight.
Next is Sweet-Pea (nicknamed Stevie by the owner). She's blind and full of personality. Here she is smiling for the camera.
This is Sweet-Pea's best (and only) friend, Wonder. Not a great picture, my camera sucks in anything but bright light.
Toby, the alpaca. He's obsessed with water and plays in it like a little kid. So cute to watch. His mouth looks kind of funny, he was just eating and has bits of alfalfa stuck to it. Sometimes he'll have big pieces stuck to the sides of his face like whiskers.
And this is Doll, she and Toby really are best friends. They are never far from each other and play all the time. In the picture, she's doing her best to pull down the tarp, so I'll have to put it back up for the 100th time.
Next time I'll post pictures of some of the dogs.