There is some interesting news in this article. Even maybe even some worthwhile opinions. but this is the most cynical article on Plant-Based I've ever read.
I don't know much about the source,
Unherd. Just a perusal of their articles, a bias or leaning doesn't jump out. They claim to mostly focus on news stories that don't get any attention.
but the authors bias does show up over and over again. Too bad the editors left it in.
Here are a few examples
Multinationals love the phrase “plant-based” because it is a euphemism for the messianic, cultish, modish cause they have adopted: veganism. But the official FoodValley NL platform is less squeamish about its mission: it
self-identifies as “Vegan Valley”.
Is it not curious how veganism, which dresses itself in the hip clothes of animal welfare, anti-climate change and eco-feminism, can’t wait to get into the blender with big business?
The story goes that it’s cursed cows that are supposedly wrecking the planet, by belching methane and hogging fields which could be planted with soy for humans.
The meat industry is bankrolling the movement
BTW, its not vegans who want to get into the blender with big business. Many of us are very resistant to that concept. Its big business that wants to exploit the popularity of vegan foods. Could it be that unlike the author they can read the writing on the wall.
VFers, I would love to hear your take on this