News Plant Based/Vegan


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18 beagle puppies have been rescued from mbr acres

MBR Acres breeds thousands of dogs every year, destined to be either shipped to animal testing facilities and tortured at just 16 weeks old, kept alive to be used as breeding machines to provide further victims, or being kept alive to harvest blood and/or organs.

Animal experiments have a failure rate of close to 96%, and we have reliable and effective alternative methods. This torture is unacceptable and we will continue to rescue innocent animals from a life of suffering.


The police have captured two additional puppies, Love and Libby, who, despite being living, sentient beings are now regarded as 'contaminated property' and are due to be killed.
Please sign the petition to ask Cambridge Constabulary and MBR Acres to release these dogs - and don't forget to share it around too.



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