‘Go back to your own country.’ 92-year-old man beaten with a brick, L.A. cops say
92 year old man beaten with a brick, told to go back to his country.
92 year old man beaten with a brick, told to go back to his country.
"We can't have these kind of people like that out in the streets". Poor old man.My own grandpa (another one) was beaten on the street, and they were beating his head with their boots, and then he died of traumatic progressive hydrocephalia...‘Go back to your own country.’ 92-year-old man beaten with a brick, L.A. cops say
92 year old man beaten with a brick, told to go back to his country.
‘Go back to your own country.’ 92-year-old man beaten with a brick, L.A. cops say
92 year old man beaten with a brick, told to go back to his country.
Well, some black people did vote for trump.Additional weird point ... it was a black woman who picked up a brick and beat him with it, screaming “Go back to your own country”.
The ugliness has always been there, but now it feels empowered.