Rampant Racism in America

I guess people calling the cops on black folk will have to get more creative in explaining why they think they are dangerous .. “I am not 100% sure, but I think I saw them holding a weapon” :hmm:
I guess people calling the cops on black folk will have to get more creative in explaining why they think they are dangerous .. “I am not 100% sure, but I think I saw them holding a weapon” :hmm:

And the “weapon” turns out to be a sandwich from Subway. :rolleyes:

Some callers have already been lying about it. One white woman called the cops claiming that a black kid was sexually attacking her, and according to the video evidence, all the kid did was accidentally brush up against her.
Some callers have already been lying about it. One white woman called the cops claiming that a black kid was sexually attacking her, and according to the video evidence, all the kid did was accidentally brush up against her.

Ah yes, the infamous "Cornerstore Caroline" ...
Cornerstore Caroline Finally Apologizes for Falsely Accusing 9-Year-Old Boy of Sexually Assaulting Her, but Not Before Lying Some More

This just happened ... gas station attendant calls in alleged "armed robbery" after altercation, police officers just open fire when passengers try to exit the car.

Connecticut Police Open Fire on Black Couple Singing Love Song to Each Other

Luckily for the innocent couple, the policemen were lousy shots, and largely missed them...
Not nice...:hmm: I had to look it up (what the word "noose" means in English). We have an expression which became idiomatic a long time ago: "Zatyagivat' pyetl'ju vokrug sheyi" ("To noose around someone's neck").
Yes, here in the U.S., nooses are symbolic of the lynching of black people by white people.
Strange Fruit
Billie Holiday
Southern trees bear strange fruit
Blood on the leaves and blood at the root
Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze
Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees

Pastoral scene of the gallant south
The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth
Scent of magnolias, sweet and fresh
Then the sudden smell of burning flesh

Here is fruit for the crows to pluck
For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck
For the sun to rot, for the trees to drop
Here is a strange and bitter crop

Songwriters: Lewis Allan

They made and sold postcards from photos of lynched black people. If you do a Google search, you can find images.
They made and sold postcards from photos of lynched black people. If you do a Google search, you can find images.
I saw it in historical reconstruction movies (not only),- how black people were being lynched and then tied to poles with ropes and left to die under the scorching sun.:confused:
This fits here as well :mad:

Pleasant Grove Police Lt. Danny Reid said:
"Let’s not lose sight that the unborn baby is the victim here. She had no choice in being brought unnecessarily into a fight where she was relying on her mother for protection.

The 5-month fetus was dependent on its mother to try to keep it from harm, and she shouldn’t seek out unnecessary physical altercations”

Nothing new that Alabama would recognize a pregnant woman only as an incubator for her fetus "who was the real victim here".
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The Independent said:
In a Facebook post, Mr Dukes wrote that police had confronted him in a hospital gown rand accused him of planning on selling the medical equipment on eBay, before removing the IV on the sidewalk.

“Officers stoody by and watched while my IV was removed on the sidewalk, and it was NOT by a doctor,” Mr Dukes wrote of the incident, which took place on 9 June just after 5 pm.

I hate these racist assholes so much ...
The Root said:
Editor’s Note: In 1852, the Rochester Ladies’ Anti-Slavery Association invited abolitionist, activist and statesman Frederick Douglass to speak at their July Fourth Independence Day Celebration in Rochester, N.Y.
He refused.
But he agreed to speak on July 5 instead.
Before an audience composed of Washington politicians, white abolitionists, and President Millard Fillmore, Douglass presented what still stands as one of history’s greatest example of speaking truth to power. Douglass’ unapologetic criticism of America’s hypocrisy still rings true to this very day. Although the speech is taught in history classes across the country, most history books and media outlets have only published an abbreviated version of the speech.
Douglass’ full address, which lasted over an hour, is a history lesson, a political treatise and a dissertation on religion. Because it deserves to be read in its entirety, we decided to share the original speech in its unabridged form.