California Gov. Gavin Newsom Signs Bill
Banning Hair Discrimination
And of
course some Facebook commenters didn’t understand what the fuss was all about and even questioned why California was doing this when there were “more important” problems to deal with. When you’re white, you can wear your hair however you want and not experience discrimination the same way PoC do. That’s called white privilege, and that’s why they don’t understand why the new law was needed.
Sometimes you can't (even if you're white). My ex-husband told me that when he and their orchestra from Mikhailovsky theatre were on a tour across Japan, one of contrabass players decided to become like Japanese teenagers (he was quite young either), so he dyed his hair into rainbow colors (he looked like a parrot). At the rehersal, their conductor saw it, yelled at him, and said that he wouldn't let him play in the show (and would fire him, in general) if he doesn't fix "this disgrace" immediately. So, that guy had to go back to the barbers shop and dye his hair into a more "appropriate" color.
OTOH, there is such a term as "scenic image". It's like a dress-code in a major part of companies. Even i would be given a serious rebuke if i appear at work with a rainbow-colored haircut, because it gives the students a "bad example". The only exception is our young ballerina (a teacher) with a piercing.
Btw, during my first year at the lyceum (i lived on my own then and was quite limited in choice of clothes), i bought a very nice (in my opinion), warm and trendy coat at the second-hand market. It was somewhat "hairy" (like alpaca fur), and i loved it very much. As far as i know, it was from the US, and even though it was second-hand, it was expensive. I was also wearing jeans (also from the US,- they were very expensive for me then). But after some time, my big boss called me to her office and said that my clothes are not very appropriate. I exclaimed: "Why? They are new (they really had been confiscated), they are comfy, they are expensive, and they are from the US!" She said that it all doesn't matter, having left me in a total moral distress. She also said that i should use makeup! (And even told me where to buy good and cheap makeup). I said i would think about it, but i never bought it, as i have a very bad attitude towards makeup,- lets say, i hate makeup from the deep of my heart. ...Plus, later, i noticed that very few employees dare to wear jeans at work...

This is sad, but we're living in the world full of idiotic restrictions, which have nothing to do with true values.