Raw Food


Apr 27, 2015
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  1. Vegan newbie
I want to ask the members of this group especially those who are committed to living a vegan or vegetarian life. What is your idea on raw food as part of your daily diet? Will it matter if your food is cooked or raw?
To be honest I do not eat much raw food at all, I usually cook it, except for salads. There's just more variety with non-raw foods.

I've been reading about the benefits of a raw diet and I might consider cooking less when it's not needed, since high temperatures are supposed to destroy vitamins and minerals - whats the point in making a sandwich loaded with vitamins/minerals only to grill it and destroy them? Exactly. Also the carcinogens worry me.
I am not really a vegan, but I do eat a lot of fruits and vegetables as a part of my diet. I have to say that there are foods that we can eat raw and there are foods that we need to cook to be edible. If you eat chicken then you need to cook it or you will die or your health will suffer.
I am not really a vegan, but I do eat a lot of fruits and vegetables as a part of my diet. I have to say that there are foods that we can eat raw and there are foods that we need to cook to be edible. If you eat chicken then you need to cook it or you will die or your health will suffer.
You won't necessarily die or get ill. I have a friend who eats raw chicken all the time, keep in mind it's high quality organic chicken, and he keeps it frozen at a certain temperature for 14 days, which he says kills bacteria. He's never been sick. But yeah, I wouldn't recommend it.

Most animal proteins get more digestible after cooking though, so I see no reason to not just cook your meat to be on the safe side.

Not that many people here will be interested in knowing this, being a vegan/vegetarian forum and all, I just felt like giving my anecdote.