after reading this thread yesterday we had ads come up on TV (youtube) last night from the Canadian gov't that specifically address scams, I guess they are actually PSAs not ads - very cool!
One way to reduce email scams, and even junk email in general, is to charge for emails as a tax and use the tax for some good purpose.
Now you might be given 100 emails per month for free per person or 1000 per business and then charged $0.01 per email after that.
The scammers work by sending millions of email as do junk mailers so this would kill their business. Spammers impose a wasted time cost on the rest of society that they are not paying for.
I'm not quite sure of all the details or how you would implement it, but I think the theory's sound.
Could be applied to other messages like whatsapp as well.
Has anyone else seen the award winning veggievision dating I think it costs about £40 a month but its just run by dating factory.
It still has the same fake profiles its had forever -Mr Skiddy & Mr Secluded, Mrs Mungbean & Vegetarian Girl and all the rest.
I had a friend in England who nearly fell for it. As soon as she started asking for money he twigged and broke off the contact. He saved himself a lot of money but to have his emotions toyed with in this way was disgusting!
I was recently in a conversation with a guy that I believe was one of these scammers! It was on Words with Friends of all places! He wasn't very good at it as I caught several instances of "not quite right"!
I was recently in a conversation with a guy that I believe was one of these scammers! It was on Words with Friends of all places! He wasn't very good at it as I caught several instances of "not quite right"!
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