Here's a post I made on FB about this:
I see so many comments on articles saying they can't wait to hear Anna Duggar say she's leaving her husband, Josh Duggar.
Let's remember what is taught in this family. Michelle Duggar's number ONE marriage tip is to keep your husband happy by ALWAYS being available for sex (besides when on your period, 80 days after giving birth to a girl, or 40 days after a son.)
Anna is the woman who married him knowing he molested his sisters and a family friend. Everyone expected her to leave him when that came to light, but instead she said she knew and supported her husband.
It's likely, because of the sheltered way she's been raised (which is very similar to how the Duggars raise their children) that she will at least partially blame herself for her husband having an affair. She has been raised to bow down to men and have a very strict role as a wife to keep her husband happy. It is very likely she will see HIS failings as her own failing to keep him satisfied.
Both Anna and Josh grew up, and live, in a world where woman are treated much much below men. Sadly, they both still embrace this mindset as strictly as they embrace their judgmental opinions on others' sexual orientations, religions, political parties, and family values. (Glass houses, Josh... Glass houses. You want me to be anti gay marriage while you touch little girls and cheat on your wife?)
I don't know these people, but when you're on a reality TV show, and publicly spew your close minded opinions every chance you get, you open yourself up to the opinions of others on your life story. So.. That's my view. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for Anna to leave her husband. And while I feel bad for her, and hope she can find validation and happiness in her life, I also detest a lot of her view points and hatred towards groups of people that she shares with her disgusting husband.
I do hope the rest of the Duggar children "get out" and find their own happiness and normal lives outside of this dysfunction.