There's such a strong tendency, on this thread and elsewhere, to take the position that wearing makeup is a choice an individual makes purely as an individual, that societal norms and expectations play no role in that decision.*
I can't think of a better way to test that than for you, all the men on VV, and the male SO's of the female members of VV, to wear bright red lipstick for the next several weeks. Lipstick is the most common and basic cosmetic, and a red one leaves no doubt that it's being worn.
It would make for a great social experiment about how independently made personal decisions about makeup really are.
*The same goes for the changing surnames upon marriage issue. No one's decision to change surname upon marriage has had anything to do with societal expectations - it's a mere mathematical accident that about 98% of American women take their husband's name upon marriage, while the number of men who change their name is so small as to be statistically insignificant.
But red lipstick is tacky.