Sleep earplugs recommendation needed...


Dec 21, 2020
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San Jose, California
  1. Vegan newbie
I saw a post here by RBnobulls#it about Big Ear custom earplugs and it really intrigued me. I'm a light sleeper and I usually wear earplugs when I sleep but the brand I'm using isn't very comfortable. I'm planning to buy custom sleep earplugs now but I'm not sure if I should buy from them at the moment. Do you guys have any recommendation?

Not sure if this info will help but I have a sleep mask that goes over the ears, it has speakers, a rechargeable battery, and Bluetooth. You can put on white noise or some soothing music.

My main issue with mine is that you have to fiddle with the Bluetooth. it doesn't just connect when you turn it on. but it's years old now. I bet they have improved the technology.
one other idea.
an audiologist can make you custom ear plugs. They usually drill a little hole in it so you can hook it up to a hearing aid. but it's not a problem to not drill the little hole. It will be expensive but it will be comfortable and effective.