Smoking in a Car-Children-Illegal

What they should do is put electronic signs like the kind that are used on California freeways on the roadways in England and Wales that warn drivers of the fine if they light up in the presence of children. I don't know if the signs in California really work, but a visual reminder is better than none at all.

One like this:


(I had to do a screenshot as I couldn't save the image otherwise.)
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Smoking While Children In The Car Now Illegal

This is excellent news but will be very difficult to enforce.
I'm not sure if it matters that it's not so easy to enforce. The act of making it illegal is a powerful action in itself, which helps to underscore the gravity of it. People already know how bad it is for children's health. Health authorities have been warning about the dangers of second-hand smoke for decades, and now the highest legislative body in the nation has finally done what they should have done years and years ago.

Also, I'm not sure it's any more difficult to enforce than the law about having to wear a seat belt, for example.
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Good. I agree with Indian Summer.

Smoking (and eating animal products) are two of the areas where common sense is normally overridden by private indulgence, against better knowledge.

I remember that in the 60's and 70's, smoking was "normal" and non smoking was the strange behaviour. There has been trememdous progress on that front in Western countries.

I hope that at some point in time the public perception of the consumption of animal products will follow a similar pattern....

Best regards,
I was pretty annoyed to read in the article that the National Police Chiefs' Council had decided not to enforce the law, just "advise" offenders about the law. Who are they to pick and choose which laws they want to enforce? That council should have been thrown in jail, the lot of them, for refusing to do their job.
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Sorta like the police union here in the US defending cops who recklessly kill unarmed citizens... :rolleyes:
I think some kids will enforce the law all by themselves.

"Daddy you can't smoke in the car."
Stop Smoking.
No fair
you are breaking the law."

"Daddy you can't smoke in the car."
Stop Smoking.
No fair
you are breaking the law."

"Daddy you can't smoke in the car."
Stop Smoking.
No fair
you are breaking the law."

"Daddy you can't smoke in the car."
Stop Smoking.
No fair
you are breaking the law."
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