Moll Flanders

I haven't had any companion animals since my beloved Pepper, best friend and mini Dachshund extraordinaire, passed away some time ago. I decided I can't take the heartbreak anymore. Crying now.

I haven't had any companion animals since my beloved Pepper, best friend and mini Dachshund extraordinaire, passed away some time ago. I decided I can't take the heartbreak anymore. Crying now.
So there are no TNR programs in place where you are? My county started one last year. It's not well funded but it certainly helps keep the population down to some degree.
That's awesome that your county does this.So there are no TNR programs in place where you are? My county started one last year. It's not well funded but it certainly helps keep the population down to some degree.
The climate is easier on cats here in Florida, and the TNR programs are popular and growing. My county participatesThat's awesome that your county does this.