A pretty amazing video (not for the faint-hearted, i have to warn you).
"Cat gives birth to 5 kittens of completely different color".
Everything is happening in a natural way, except that the human is feeding and petting her, and then cuts the cord with scissors. Eeeh... i remembered helping my former kitty Lucy to give birth. I was pretty young then, and there was no one at home to help me. There were 3 kittens. Two of them came out easily and started breathing, meowing and sucking her milk at once (i had to cut the cord, of course), but when the third kitten was coming out,- he was coming with his legs forward. And he wasn't breathing, because his nose and mouth were stuffed with slime. I grabbed him like crazy, because i got frightened as hell, and started blowing into his nose with all the strength of my lungs. Luckily, it gave results: i blew the mucus out of his nose, and he started breathing. He wasn't meowing, and he was absolutely silent, but at least, he was breathing. Well, i named the first kitty-girl "Giordana" ("Jordan"), the second boy - "Brandon", and the third unusual boy - "Tony". Tony was really special, as he grew up. He was more empathetic and smart. Or course, we gave them all away (as we say, "into the good hands"). Her second pregnancy ended with 3 healthy kittens. I named them "Richard", "Cora" and "Daphne". I loved "Cora" more than others, and i used to call her "Cor", because it's a French name for the brass music instrument (French horn). I was in love with Claude Debussy then, so i actually named her in honour of Clause Debussy.

The boy (Richard) was a very agile but a freaky kitten. The third girl "Daphne" was very shy and pretty average, but she found a loving family as well.