Lukas and I adopted a dog yesterday. We've been pretty miserable since Gracie's death, and Lukas has gotten so serious.
I have been driving myself crazy, looking at dogs on Petfinder, trying to figure out what kind of dog would be best for Lukas. I wanted to make sure that it was someone who is cat friendly; Lukas can still be a bit reactive about cats in certain circumstances, and I do not want to reinforce that with another dog who might also need work in that area. That meant I needed to limit my looking to dogs who have been living in foster hones with cats. And that meant no dogs from municipal/county shelters, since those places don't know much less tell you, about their dogs' behavior around cats.
Anyway, decided on a dog a couple of weeks ago, but due to factors on my end as well as the rescue's, we couldn't manage to coordinate a meeting until yesterday. Lukas can be reactive wrt some dogs, but the meeting went fine, so we brought her home.
Her name is currently Lady, but that will be changing. Although she was listed as "large", and was therefore expecting someone closer to Gracie's 96 pounds, Lady is 40 -45 pounds in my estimation. Like Lukas, she was picked up by animal control and put in a high kill shelter. Like Lukas, she was heartworm positive. She was also extremely emaciated and highly pregnant. If the rescue hadn't pulled her from the shelter, she would have been killed as soon as the mandatory hold period was over (to avoid the additional expense of puppies).
She gave birth to 13 puppies, none of whom survived, due to her poor condition.
She had been adopted once before, but they returned her to the rescue after three days because she had "failed to bond" with the family. I don't know wtf they were talking about - she sat by the patio door watching me the entire time I was putting the chickens and ducks to bed this evening, she follows me wherever I go in the house, and right now, she's cuddled up against my left side in bed, while Lukas is pressed against my right side.
Oh, like Lukas, she's a red-brown, only she's a couple of shades lighter than he is, and she has a black face mask while only his muzzle is black. Also, about 2/3 of her tail is missing, and from a cursory look, I don't think she was born that way.
(I had been looking primarily for a black dog since they're generally harder to place, and since I have a weakness for them, but when I sorted my "possibles" by length of time on Petfinder, Lady had been listed the longest.)
She is a really nice dog. The only area in which she needs work is walking on a leash - pound for pound, she's a stronger puller than any other dog I've met, including pitbulls.