Been at Tunevannet this evening with Rime. So he could take a bath. I regret I didn't bring a shorts and towel for myself too. So if the weather is as good as today, I will go there tomorrow too.
On Friday I will go to Sjoa and the mountain. Rime and I. I was offered to borrow a camper there for free while the owner is at work in Oslo. It's so nice of her.

Fun thing is that I have never met her in person, but we have been Facebook friends for years. I'm invited up to the fall too, when she's there so we can meet and talk around the bonfire. And I'm planning to go. Even though my "holliday with other people" are more or less used with two agility camps. I think it will be nice. I have to buy a gift tomorrow or Friday to leave there for her. I hope I find a really pink, feminine bag to put it in, as that's so far at is can come from her style.
I got a new addiction now. And have started to learn gaelic.
Feasgar math!