Hello all
Just popping in to say that in all these unprecedented events I forgot to mention I have finished the 30 day Vegan Challenge (on the Vegan Society's UK web-site). It didn't seem that big an achievement with all that's going on around us. Still, it's something that cheers me up, and gave me a goal to strive for. Maybe it's doing something as simple as that, write up some goals, don't have to be anything momentous, even small things, and tick them off as you go? So far I have:
Tipped out the sewing tin (old biscuit tin), and finally sorted it out as it drove me mad trying to find matching buttons, needles that weren't in their little containers, etc. For some odd reason there were things in there that shouldn't be like screwdrivers.
Delved through and sorted out food store cupboard items so they are in date order, so I don't eat stuff I've just bought, and I am using up the older stuff first.
Organised the books I want to read into 'read and might donate to charity shop', or 'to read' instead of a mixed heap of them.
Having a right old de-clutter and reorganise, with a pile of stuff to donate, or ask family etc if they want. When I thought I had finished doing that.
Got rid of paperwork from years and years back. Why did I keep old uni stuff?
I have yet to tackle the 'drawer of doom' in the kitchen, goodness only knows what is in there. I think we all have a cupboard/drawer into which things get sucked in/thrown in when we don't know where else to put them....
Being on my own doesn't seem to bother me, I have been deep cleaning, watching rubbish TV, reading, walking dog and helping my parents out when they need it. But maybe I am just weird.... Mind you, I do talk to the dog a lot, I think I have just confirmed it. I am odd! Recall somewhere the saying that 'If you are rich, you are 'eccentric' or a 'character', but, if you are poor you are plain old weird'.