Happy International women's day, everyone!
Unghshu is having a walk, while mom, Gala, Liza, Elijah and David are having dinner at our place. Liza and David spent two nights at our place, therefore i had troubles with sleeping. I needed it (sleep) so desperately (because i had fever and exacerbation of my chronic tonsillitis), and i was really irritated that i was kinda deprived of sleep. Yesterday, my entire neck hurt badly, and i devoured 1/2 pack of anesthetic pills. They helped a little, but, of course, they couldn't take away the inflammation. (Nevertheless, i bought one more pack today, and continued devouring them
). What did help me,- is what Sumerian gods had done to me. I was sweaty like a tzutzik after what they had done this night, but i woke up without the pain. Now my throat and tonsils are a little swollen (because it's late), but no real pain so far, no otitis (that i'd been so afraid of), almost no "clicking" sounds in my inner ear(s), and no pain in both ears (there was slight pain yesterday!
). I was freaked out yesterday, but today i feel more confident, because i feel that Sumerian gods stand up for me.
Also, this night (closer to the morning) i had a weird dream: that i talked to our composer Pyotr Tchaikovsky on a videophone and he was thanking me for something! I recognized his voice at once: i'd heard it on the record made on the Edison's phonograph (one of its first versions) in early 1890s!!! What can i say,- Tchaikovsky's voice is really unpleasant, lol.
I decided not to go for long hikes until i recover, but i had a brief walk in Cucumber district. The air was transparent and fresh,- i liked it, because it feels like spring (i mean, sunset colors have changed).
Posting my photos of Monday's hike to Telmann's district (outside the town). It was long!... yet romantic (it was warm, humid, quiet and mysterious outside).