This is VF's random chat thread. You can jump in and out at any time. You don't have to stick to any topic of conversation, you can post whatever you like. There's no pressure to backread or post regularly. We begin a new one every month and start afresh, so that it's easier for new chatters to join in.
If it's your first time in the Coffee House please let us know so we can be extra welcoming! If we're talking about stuff and you have no idea what we're on about, feel free to ask us and don't feel intimidated. A lot of us have been chatting for years together but we're always delighted to have new friends too.
If it's your first time in the Coffee House please let us know so we can be extra welcoming! If we're talking about stuff and you have no idea what we're on about, feel free to ask us and don't feel intimidated. A lot of us have been chatting for years together but we're always delighted to have new friends too.
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