Maybe you'd luck out and we really descended from orangutangs (much friendlier).Forget the poo throwing, chimps are mean. You'd count yourself lucky to get hit with poo and not having your face torn off.
My friends and I used to have fights with dirt clods - not as nasty as dog poo cones, but you really didn't want to get hit with one.When I was a kid my friends and I used to dip pine cones in dog poop and throw them at each other. It added incentive to not get hit
Mumbletypeg is a game played with pocket knives. There are several different variations of the game but there were 2 versions that my friends and I normally played.
The one we played most often was called "Splits" or "Stretch". The 2 players would start facing each other with their feet together, then they throw their knives into the ground beside the other person's foot. If one knife stuck in the ground and the other didn't, the person who's knife didn't stick would have to move his foot to the knife. If both knives stuck only the person who's foot was closest to a knife had to move his foot. The object of the game was to make your opponent do splits until they fell over.
I don't remember what the other game was called, something like "Yellow Belly" or something else derogatory towards your bravery. Only the more hardcore among the neighborhood kids played this. I didn't play it often. This game would start with the 2 players facing each other with their feet apart. They would throw their knives between their own feet. The person who stuck the knife closest to their own foot would move their foot up to the knife. The first person to touch their feet together won.
We had our own apple trees, so no "scrumping" for me.Good Lord!!!!
Makes my childhood look lame in comparison !
Our most dangerous game was " scrumping" apples from
Our neighbours orchard! Dangerous only in the regard that you may fall and graze your knee or at worse be hooked by the walking stuck of the irate lady who lived there.
Makes me sad, but then I see the crusaders trying to make everything "SAFE" for the kids and that also upsets me..