The Everything Animal Thread

This is heartbreaking and moreover it was avoidable:

For anyone around the Cambridgeshire area there is a demonstration at PH tomorrow:


Animal Rebellion


Come to Cambridgeshire Constabulary HQ in Huntington 12PM Thursday 22nd December.
Address: Cambridgeshire Constabulary HQ, Hinchingbrooke Business Park, Brampton Rd, Huntingdon PE29 6NP
We will be asking Cambridgeshire Police to release Love and Libby to us in person tomorrow so that they can be taken to safety at pre-arranged sanctuaries
Please bring signs, banners, and your own furry friends if they would like to come a support their companions!
This demonstration will be completely peaceful and respectful - it will be a show of the love and peace these puppies can fill their lives with if they are passed on to us then and there. Although the police are the ones holding the dogs, it is up to them to set them free so we must show that we are responsible and caring and not bring any anger or negativity with us!

See you tomorrow!

I took part in the Zoom meeting that Animal Rebellion held last night; over 300 people were present in front of their screens. The activists related their experience on how they broke into the facility (MBR) and discovered the poor pups. The description of their living conditions was unbearable. Also the demeanour of the pups when they were rescued brought tears to my eyes. These innocent loving babies do not deserve to live in a hellhole. They licked the activists faces as well as their pals and couldn't stop wagging their tails. They were in search of love and also had lots of love to give.
It was heart wrenching when one of the lady activists related how the police took away the beagle that she had snatched and carried around for hours. This beagle plus her pal now face being PTS or being sent back to the hell hole. They are considered as 'contaminated property' by MBR.

Moreover and also an important detail to bear in mind is that these activists handed themselves over to the police and were hence arrested.
They risk 10 years of imprisonment if found guilty (if the case does go to court) by a jury. Their crime is burglary and trespassing!

They unanimously said that they would do it again.They underlined that they are very respectful pacificts fighting for a cause to terminate the unnecessary exploitation of these dogs.

Please, please help if you can buy either/or donating to their cause, signing the petition and calling Cam. police. Please share.:smitten:



In many places around the world, cats are considered the most beloved of furry friends, and here in New Zealand, things are no different. Nearly half of all Kiwi households share their home with a cat,1 so it’s very likely that you, too, have a much-loved cat in your whānau.
The experiments we’re about to expose may be hard to read; you’ll likely imagine a cat that you know having to endure such cruelty in the name of science. But remember, by being a part of team NZAVS, you are a part of the solution! We are here to end animal experimentation and create a better world for animals, people and science

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After five months!!

From Middletown Animal Control:

Get your tissues ready because we have the greatest story about our own Christmas Miracle! Many of you may remember our post about Minka, a cat that went missing at the I91 rest stop back in JULY. Well, last week after our first real snow, we got a call about a black cat in the median of I91 near the rest stop. Wait, WHAT?!? We went out there and sure enough, there she was. She ran. We set multiple humane traps with all sorts of tuna and sardines for days. Yesterday when we went to check the trap, there she was inside! Once at the shelter, a scan found the microchip that confirmed it was Minka! She was dirty, skinny and covered in ticks, but otherwise OK! Her Mom & Dad were ecstatic and amazed! Susan drove the 4 hours from Vermont today and the reunion was so sweet. Minka knew her Mom instantly and put her head right in her hand. Susan never thought this day would come but she never stopped hoping anyway. She still has all of Minka's things because she couldn't bear to get rid of them. She is incredibly grateful for Cortney, the woman who called us repeatedly after seeing the cat on the highway and our ability to set and monitor traps. We have an amazing community and ACO team! We are all so happy that Minka got her Christmas Wish!!! 🥰🎄💕
A happy ending which we all need after having read the bad news about Love & Libby.

A vet in Brighton heard of a dog that was on death row in Dublin (abandoned) so she caught a ferry
and adopted him.
Apparently he is playful and so friendly and jumps into everyone's arms. He has that look that makes
you wish he was yours.
His Christmas present is a gift of life.

Here is Brighton Boy!

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Meanwhile I saw the on Reddit this morning.
Good question.

why is it that people who "break in" to places to rescue dogs from being tested on they're branded a hero and theres an uproar when the law goes against them but when its vegans doing it at slaughterhouses, they're criminals? laughed at? shamed?
Ok, that pic. cleared it up. I hadn't been sure but I thought maybe Libby and Love were activists who had gotten arrested.

14 activists were indeed arrested as they broke into MBR and managed to free 20 beagle puppies. They have since been released (the activists) and are waiting to see whether they will be taken to court. 16 of the dogs are in a safe place and awaiting to be rehomed. Love & Libby who were captured by the police have now been returned to MBR were they will be either PTS or used by labs for horrendous experiments (and then killed) which are not justified in over 90% of cases.

''Today, Cambridge police have announced that they have returned Love and Libby back to MBR, where they will face either euthanasia for being ‘contaminated property’, or endure a lifetime of suffering in animal experiments.
But this is not over. Every day that these puppies are not free, there is still more we can do:''

Statement given by AR
''Over 100 million animals including dogs, cats, monkeys, mice, and rats are burned, poisoned, abused, and crippled in labs in the U.S. each year. They are deliberately made sick with toxic chemicals, infected with diseases, and live in barren cages until they eventually die.''
I don't understand the logic of returning them to MBR. 😭

The police had no legal right to detain the puppies and as they were the owners of Love & Libby. They
had no other alternative but to return them to the company MBR. However, as the puppies are
considered as being 'contaminated' they will either be PTS or tortured during any future experiments.
All of
this is allowed on British soil and is legal. I say it an utter disgrace!
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Please keep signing & sharing the petition: