The Everything Animal Thread

Sometimes I feel like the human race takes one step forward and two steps back. đź’”

It's mind boggling that torturing animals in the name of science is still practised in countries.
Moreover they boast that they have the best animal welfare compared to others.

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Please write to your MP and sign the various petitions that are currently on Care and other animal welfare groups so that
experiments on animals will come to an end:

Please subscribe to their newsletter and donate if and when possible:

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A Eulogy for P-22, Mountain Lion Who Changed the World

by Beth Pratt

''I write this eulogy while looking across one of the ten-lane freeways P-22 somehow miraculously crossed in 2012, gazing at a view of his new home, Griffith Park. Burbank Peak and the other hills that mark the terminus of the Santa Monica Mountains emerge from this urban island like sentinels making a last stand against the second-largest city in the country. The traffic noise never ceases. Helicopters fly overhead. The lights of the city give the sky no peace.

Yet a mountain lion lived here, right here in Los Angeles.''

Who Was P-22?

The first fox who is utterly exhausted is trying to escape the hounds. Sadly, even if a fox escapes it often dies to organ failure due to the
horrendous stress.
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Various loopholes in the legislation are allowing this blood sport to prevail in our countryside. Please support the various
anti hunting groups by sharing information and also by donating to help them to sabotage the hunts.

''So if the ban is entering its 15th year, why is fox hunting still happening?''

Experts in the wider scientific community, outside the animal-based research sector, openly agree that laboratory animal models are now demonstrated to hold no predictive value for human patients. Parliamentary EDM 278 enables MPs to call for medical evidence to be heard, which will prove beyond doubt that animal experiments are failing the search for human treatments and cures and should be abandoned without delay.

The EDM calls for the Government to mandate a rigorous public scientific hearing, judged by independent experts from the relevant science fields, to stop the false claims about human medicine which continue to fund animal testing.

The EDM's hearing is crucial because 75% of all animal experiments are sanctioned under the guise of predictive value for human patients.