Christmas is a sad time for a lot of people. Homless, people with very to little money, kids from family with too much alcoholsproblems, lonley people etc.
I didn't like Christmas before. It was just a reminder for me that we had a very small family, and not much money. I'm very happy I wasn't a greedy kid, and I was always happy with whatever I got. But it was a bit strange hearing classmates complaning that they only got the driving licence payd by the parents for Christmas, and not several other expencive things too.
The first Christmas I worked, I found a man that had taken a overdose of drug. He died when the ambulance tried to save him, and I was standig there and looking at it. It was the 25th or 26th December. When I got home and online, I found this thread on a forum of both young people and grown ups complaining about how cheap they presents was, and that they didn't get enough. It made me a bid sad and angry. The Christmas is so much about things, presents and money, and not about the people you love. And one family had got the message that their lost one of their own.
So I started to change things after that. Each Christmas I've given something to charity, either money or things. My friend gets very cheap presents (but I try to give them things they really need), and mostly things we can to together. Like going to the movies example. Were all passed 30 years old, and we have more or less everything we need. One year I got them to give everything to charity, but only one was happy with that.

It's not about how expencive the presents are, or how many you get. And I don't want to be a part of the "putting all your love in one present" thingy.