Health Issues The Everything Covid 19 Thread

I also have a very long wait--but didn't put high risk for having asthma. My doctor told me I was not considered high risk :shrug:
I got in by linking my Google account
Now I think I'm having psychosomatic symptoms :fp:. It's not unusual at all for me to have sneezing attacks, or spend time blowing my nose, and I've done a lot of both today, I first just blamed it on waking up extra early. Now I'm remembering how my coworker and I discussed being so extra tired her last days..
I'll be glad for tomorrow to be over, that significant 14th day!
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Oh sorry, I subscribe but I thought everyone gets a few free peeks a month.

I would just copy and paste it here but it's sort of interactive. the gist wat that for me, in San Mateo County, I'm behind 47,100 others.

Dude, I use up my free peaks the minute they become available again.

I would subscribe. I want to support journalism. But it’s not worth the cost during these financially unpredictable times. There are enough free news sources to cover the basics.
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I'm finding more and people believing covid is just like the flu, that doctors and hospitals are faking results, believing all kinds of conspiracy theories from population control to the whole New World Order. Being still newish at my company I don't have any support people to vent with so I just let it all slide. This morning I compared the thinking to Flat Earthers
I am seeing more people not wearing masks in the store. :( For a while compliance looked pretty good but now not so much. And they upped our capacity to 251 people which is a lot of people! I am not happy about how crowded and busy it is getting.
What do they do FOR YOU? From your posts they're nothing but rude, inconsiderate bums who walk all over you, and your husband doesn't intervene. Of course they follow guidelines where they HAVE to, but if don't at all times it won't matter.
I'm just curious how much they contribute that you allow yourself to be so used by them?
There is only one as we kicked out two of them in September.
The lady friend stayed to help pay our bills so my husband can rest.
I am seeing more people not wearing masks in the store. :( For a while compliance looked pretty good but now not so much. And they upped our capacity to 251 people which is a lot of people! I am not happy about how crowded and busy it is getting.
I still get problems wearing mine. So i have to stay away from people. I just put my masks on at check out. I am wondering when we will stop wearing them.
I'm finding more and people believing covid is just like the flu, that doctors and hospitals are faking results, believing all kinds of conspiracy theories from population control to the whole New World Order. Being still newish at my company I don't have any support people to vent with so I just let it all slide. This morning I compared the thinking to Flat Earthers

I’ve been noticing the same thing. The denial is extreme.

As I’ve said before, I think there is an emotional / psychological explanation for a lot of it. It’s easier to deny the existence of something horrible than to face reality.

But it’s recklessly irresponsible, and a lot of it comes from people who have been fortunate enough not to have seen much of the actual toll it’s taking. People who haven’t lost anyone and aren’t close to anyone who has.

We’ve had 2,914 deaths in the US today alone. So far.

14.5 million cases. Studies show that 50% of those who test positive have long-term complications even if the initial illness was mild. We don’t have that much data yet. But if that’s accurate, then 7.25 million Americans will be dealing with some kind of COVID-related disability.

It’s awful that people are taking it so lightly, and I think that will become more clear as time goes on.
Cases are going way up here in NYC.

I’m trying to stay in, but I might make a trip to Trader Joe’s tomorrow morning. I really want some vegan chorizo and other treats, like the chocolate chip banana bread.

It will just be two train rides. I think it’s pretty low risk. But I’m really trying to err on the side of taking no chances.
I'm still using mask at public places, taking good care of my hygiene and avoiding crowds, all these precautions have become rutine. But I have also fallen into this state of not caring that much about myself, or maybe I have gotten used to the threat and thus it doesn't make me nervous anymore. I feel like getting corona is now inevitable. Maybe it could have been prevented if lockdown would have lasted longer. Would have, could have...
I’m trying to stay in, but I might make a trip to Trader Joe’s tomorrow morning. I really want some vegan chorizo and other treats, like the chocolate chip banana bread.
Ah yes, shopping... I need some sanitary stuff but whenever I think I "need" something from the store I ask myself if I can postpone one more day. I also go to one where there is less traffic - it's actually by far not my favorite store when it comes to the stuff they have in stock but they cover some of my basics.

Before Corona came around I used to go to two different stores to get all the stuff I wanted, sometimes three. No way. I decide for one, fruit and veg gets delivered, as usual.
I've been annoyed by all the Covid19 restrictions (well who hasn't?!) but I've been following them without complaint. My 68th birthday was this past summer- meaning I'm getting to the age I'd be at risk from serious complications. And anyway, even if I wasn't, I'd still take all precautions, because I could conceivably catch it and infect someone else. But what's weird is- I'm not as emotionally worried about this as I'd think I would be, worrywart that I am.
I've been annoyed by all the Covid19 restrictions (well who hasn't?!) but I've been following them without complaint. My 68th birthday was this past summer- meaning I'm getting to the age I'd be at risk from serious complications. And anyway, even if I wasn't, I'd still take all precautions, because I could conceivably catch it and infect someone else. But what's weird is- I'm not as emotionally worried about this as I'd think I would be, worrywart that I am.

I can relate. It’s a part of our day to day reality at this point. I don’t feel emotional about it either. I view that as something to save for the aftermath - when we’re all vaccinated and we can hug and grieve together.
"A man named William Shakespeare from Warwickshire has become the second person in the world to receive the coronavirus vaccine. That’s right, the Warwickshire resident got the jab in University Hospital Coventry this morning."

Read more: William Shakespeare becomes second person in world to receive Covid vaccine

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This can't be made up :heart_eyes: and now it's a good thing to 'be sent to Coventry'! :D A perfect Winter's tale!