Health Issues The Everything Covid 19 Thread

Now I feel totally inadequate.

Just learned today that (maybe) Shakespeare wrote King Lear while self-isolating.

Some of these +90 yr olds don't cease to amaze me. :)

Watch Martin Kenyon, a 91-year-old British man, give the most delightful CNN interview after receiving the coronavirus vaccine.

Some interesting facts concerning the Pfizer vaccine if you scroll down:

It does seem like I'm hearing about more people with Covid that I know. 3 people this week. All are youngish and it has been quite mild for them, luckily.

Same here.

A friend's brother caught it and was in ICU for a week. He was scared stiff because they put him onto oxygen. He knew that the next step if it didn't work was being intubated !

Her dad's pal (who was 85), and his wife caught it. Sadly the man who spent some time in a coma on a ventilator, woke up and two days later died as the virus had attacked his liver and kidneys.
I really want to go for an antibody test. It looks like it’s a simple finger ***** based on videos I’ve seen. I wonder if this test is as ready available as the covid test. I may inquire.
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I really want to go for an antibody test. It looks like it’s a simple finger ***** based on videos I’ve seen. I wonder if this test is as ready available as the covid test. I may inquire.

My GP said that it was not beneficial to have it done. They also don't know how long antibodies last and the vaccine is far more efficient to prevent the illness.
My GP said that it was not beneficial to have it done. They also don't know how long antibodies last and the vaccine is far more efficient to prevent the illness.
I know but I still want to know if I have any lol. Even if it’s just a few. It’s to confirm, for me, that one of the three times I felt sick was actually covid.
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I know but I still want to know if I have any lol. Even if it’s just a few. It’s to confirm, for me, that one of the three times I felt sick was actually covid.

I think you're like me. I have caught a few bugs and every time, I thought that it was Covid. :rolleyes:
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I know but I still want to know if I have any lol. Even if it’s just a few. It’s to confirm, for me, that one of the three times I felt sick was actually covid.

They’re readily available here. I’ve had two.

Medical professionals do seem skeptical of them at this point. I think there’s a higher chance of a false positive or a false negative than with many standard medical tests.

The test is a blood-draw. And if you have to have blood drawn for any other reason, you can ask them to add a COVID antibody test.

They also test for antibodies when you give blood.
I wouldn't go out of my way for the antibodies test.
Early reports were that it was very unreliable. some brands were better than others but I'm not sure even now how transparent that is. There were plenty of false positives and false negatives. So even when you get the results - you can't really trust them.
Also, a positive test might mean that you had another virus that is related to Covid. also, cases of reinfection are being reported. So no one knows how much immunity or how long the immunity lasts - at least not yet. Even if you do test positive, you probably should continue wearing a mask, hand washing, and practicing social distance.

And even if you are just looking for validation that one of the times you didn't feel well was covid. you can't even know for sure. You may have had covid and been asymptomatic. and there were other reasons why you didn't feel well the other times.

One strategy I've read about is to get two tests by two different manufacturers. Two different positives or two different negatives would be a lot more trustworthy.

I'd like to give blood, but the last time was just as long a wait in a room filled with others. I wish you could just wait in your car and get a text when you're next! The long wait is why I don't give more often.
I'm curious about the antibodies too, having been with my coworker who turned up positive.Shes been out two weeks already
I'd like to give blood, but the last time was just as long a wait in a room filled with others. I wish you could just wait in your car and get a text when you're next! The long wait is why I don't give more often.
I'm curious about the antibodies too, having been with my coworker who turned up positive.Shes been out two weeks already
I haven't been able to give blood for a year now. I should find out when I can start again. But the place that i go to has a walk-in area but also takes appointments. If you show up for your appt on time you don't have to wait in line. You may have to wait for the next available chair - but they send you right into the nurse with the clipboard, questions, and iron test.
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I haven't been able to give blood for a year now. I should find out when I can start again. But the place that i go to has a walk-in area but also takes appointments. If you show up for your appt on time you don't have to wait in line. You may have to wait for the next available chair - but they send you right into the nurse with the clipboard, questions, and iron test.
Nice. I've always made appt, and always had about an hour wait to get a chair-or longer
Here, it’s appointment-only. When I’ve donated, there hasn’t been much of a wait.

Most of the donation drives here are run by New York Blood Center. The Red Cross, which runs them in most places, isn’t doing blood drives in the city right now.

I’m not going to support New York Blood Center any more, though. I found out about this:

I’m going to donate directly to a hospital instead. A few of the local hospitals have their own blood donation centers.
The donation center I went to was IN a hospital.
We would get a gift every so often. based on how much we had donated. Plus there was almost always something extra. Like a t-shirt.

If I remember it right you needed to wait 5 weeks between donations. After 4 weeks I would come home and find a message on my answering machine letting me know that they had made me another appt. and if i wanted to cancel it I should call them. It was easier just to go. :)
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I found out yesterday that an older cousin of mine (75) in the US has it and also virus induced pneumonia. This is an evangelical family who are trump champions and covid hoax believers, especially her children. They moved from California to one of the northern states 3 weeks ago and had pics on facebook showing people helping them move and no one was wearing a mask. It breaks my heart that so many evengelicals are perpetuating this disinformatiom about politics and about the virus. If, as they believe, Jesus was to return and ask everyone to wear a mask, I am confident they wouldn't believe Him either.

Emma JC
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