I'm watimg for your film. We discuss the topic later than.Keep in mind these companies don't care about your health they're here to make money and to make money sometimes a cure is something you really don't want people having access to.
I'm watimg for your film. We discuss the topic later than.Keep in mind these companies don't care about your health they're here to make money and to make money sometimes a cure is something you really don't want people having access to.
There is an online calculator you can use to see when you should get the vaccine. I got this!
Based on your profile, there are between 27,132,105 and 38,844,493 people in front of you in the queue for a COVID vaccine across the UK. Given a vaccination rate of 1,000,000 a week and an uptake of 70.6%, you should expect to receive your vaccine between 27/06/2021 and 17/09/2021.
I hope so! I think I read that a third of people over here didn't want to get the jab. No idea why. I can't wait to have it.Things move fast with Covid and I think that the calculator is already out of date. On today's news they say that the government is planning to use football stadiums to be able to vaccinate most of the population.
Don't forget that there is a % of the population that are refusing to get the jab. Over here it's roughly 50 %. I should be able to get my jab between February and March if all goes well.
I hope so! I think I read that a third of people over here didn't want to get the jab. No idea why. I can't wait to have it.
My husband got June as his result.
I don't know.I heard some rumblings about a new strain but wasn’t sure how accurate the rumblings were.
What does this mean for the vaccine? Will it be like the flu, where are you get vaccinated against the most common strains but then are still susceptible to getting the others?
I heard some rumblings about a new strain but wasn’t sure how accurate the rumblings were.
What does this mean for the vaccine? Will it be like the flu, where are you get vaccinated against the most common strains but then are still susceptible to getting the others?
I heard some rumblings about a new strain but wasn’t sure how accurate the rumblings were.
What does this mean for the vaccine? Will it be like the flu, where are you get vaccinated against the most common strains but then are still susceptible to getting the others?
There was a mutation very early on. I can't remember the details but I think that in some parts of the world the mutation is more common than the original.
The recent news appears to be about a new mutation. And the main concern seems to be that it spreads faster - but so far they don't think it will affect the vaccine.
However, if there is one thing we know about viruses is that they do mutate. Besides mutating, sometimes they meet other viruses and steal some of their DNA. Again I don't remember the details but it is thought that the 1919 virus is still with us. Influenza A is probably one of its children. And it also is related to swine and bird flu.
Maybe the biggest worry is that a mutation will not be neutralized by the original vaccine. This is more of a When than an If. Influenza A seems to do this on a regular basis.
And as the coronavirus spreads to more and more people (and species) the opportunity for mutation only increases. TG they have already started vaccinating people. but I don't think we will ever go back to normal.
My sister is a contact tracer in Santa Clara county. When she started they had 300 new contacts a day. Now it's over 1000. and Santa Clara is not as bad as many counties.
We will probably be in LockDown for months. And if you thought maybe you could stop wearing a mask - think again.
The main challenge? Studies of the COVID-19 vaccines only measured whether vaccinated people developed symptoms, not whether they got infected. We know that you can become infected with the coronavirus and be asymptomatic, meaning you never develop symptoms. Asymptomatic people can still spread COVID-19 to others. So we don’t know whether a vaccine prevents asymptomatic infections and if there’s still the possibility that a vaccinated person could transmit the virus without knowing it.
Yes, you still need to wear a mask after you get the COVID-19 vaccine. Here’s why.
If you get the vaccine, your chances of getting infected with the coronavirus are likely low. But even then, experts say it’ll be months until you can ditch the masks and hug your friends.www.inquirer.com
So if you were having second thoughts about buying a new mask - go ahead and get one.
I just saw this.![]()
Queues at train stations as Londoners flee the capital ahead of Tier 4
On Saturday afternoon, Prime Minister Boris Johnson revealed that a third of England - including London - will be thrust into Tier 4, leading to people scrambling to get out of the capital.www.dailymail.co.uk
Queues at train stations as Londoners flee the capital ahead of Tier 4
On Saturday afternoon, Prime Minister Boris Johnson revealed that a third of England - including London - will be thrust into Tier 4, leading to people scrambling to get out of the capital.www.dailymail.co.uk