OMG! Some good news has come (good for me). That dancing competition in Sviridov's school, that i'd been so afraid of, is cancelled!!!

Annie has been calling me this morning: she said that the pianists' competition of Anton Rubinshtein (that was supposed to be held in our lyceum during the spring holidays) was cancelled too. The order of the city's govenment has changed in just one day! (It had been said previously, that gatherings of over 1000 people would be forbidden, but now they have forbidden all gatherings of over 50 people, like in Moscow). Our teacher in chief, Olga Sergeyevna, told Annie that all group lessons ("classes") are now cancelled too, though only on Monday, my big boss told me the opposite. Yesterday, Mr. Gorbatov asked me about if something was cancelled, but i said no, as i was unaware of it yet. Olga posted it in social media, in our lyceum's group in VK social network (it's written here: "Regime of free attendance since Mar.17th, 2020"):

I'm still not sure if i have to go to work tomorrow. I appreciate that Annie called me so early (lol, she has finally got used to the fact that i live very far from work and have to leave the house 2.5 hrs before work). Nevertheless, i didn't understand anything about konzertmeisters' schedules, and had to call my big boss (she was very irritated, because EVERYONE is calling her now, but she said that at least today, konzertmeisters don't have to go to work). I've called Mr.Gorbatov already, he chatted with me in a friendly manner,- he was very cheerful, and it feels that he's veeery contented. We said to each other something like: "Take care", "be careful", "we're gonna wait and see what happens after spring vacations", etc, and said goodbye. He also said that vacations might be longer - until the 12th of April! ...
I've spoken to Mrs.Victoria Sogreyeva, and she was going to work at the moment, so she promised to call me back in the evening and tell me what they're up to for tomorrow.
Everything seemed suspicious to me on Monday, because some little girls (our young actors) told me that a lot of schools in SPb are already have established a regime of free attendance. I also heard our (quite mean) concierge say that all group lessons were going to be cancelled. I came over and asked her, but she said that it was in some other place. Pfffff, stupid woman! It was really early to fill out my class journal, but my alter-ego (Ungh-shu) ordered me to do it, so i filled out the journal. And i'm happy i did!!! This case only has proved (for the 1000th time that i have to listen to Unghshu).
So, now waiting for what Victoria Sogreyeva says about tomorrow. Anyway, i'm extremely happy that i won't have to spend three(!) days in Sviridov's school and be in that crowd that will be exhaling various bacteriae and spreading (sorry) contagious saliva all over the place.
I'm not happy though, that quarantine measures have become necessary. And it's just a matter of a few days, when everything will be on quarantine.

Almost all theatres, museums and exhibitions in SPb are closed now (since yesterday), even Mariinsky theatre, so Elijah (my sister's husband) is sitting at home. Liza called me and said the only thing they are going to do for today is having a walk.
So, i'm going to ANY shop today and spend my last money on a few heads of ANY kapusta (cabbage), if i find any. It can stay fresh for months, if kept in water, in a sealed plastic bag, without access of oxygene (it's especially applicable to napa-cabbage). It's time to stock up on cabbage (a.k.a. at least something "wet", as i've somewhat stocked up on pasta and grains and even porridge "for raw vegans", but i can't chew it all without any veggies). I mean, i can chew anything if necessary (as long as it's plant-based), but, you know, it will be very dull to be deprived of any "grass" for a long period of time.
Now i understand why people were stocking up so intensively yesterday morning. If i have a chance, i'll use it (the chance) to buy some more simeticone today (against bloating - my eternal issue).
I just called mom, who is in her kindergarten now. Everyone is running around the kindergarten, because the fire alarm has been pulled suddenly, and now they need to find out what's wrong. Later this afternoon, they'll have a meeting, - the kindergarten principle will be telling them about the plans for the nearest future.
Uuggghhh... seems a little bit like CHAOS, that is everywhere. I'm quite afraid to use a cab now.

OTOH, a crowded bus (public transportation) doesn't seem an option for me either. I'll try to walk on foot around the town today, though my legs and feet hurt fiercely. I'm trying not to overuse my painkillers these days, because i'm trying to save more. Gonna go and get more Acetylcysteine and turmeric powder, as i'm sick of this COPD exacerbation that has occured at a very wrong time! Blah...

Another lyceum's announcement.

Above: "The day of 'Open doors' on Mar.20th at the theatre department - cancelled". Below: "The pianists' competition of Anton Rubinshtein - cancelled and rescheduled".