Health Issues The Everything Covid 19 Thread

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The people in North American that refuse to get the vaccine are starting to seriously annoy me. I have a niece who lives and works for an NGO in Nairobi and she and her husband both have Covid (her for the second time) - they cannot get vaccines and they are very careful and yet still got it. He is in the hospital as his oxygen levels dropped to 83%, thankfully not on a ventilator just getting oxygen. There are no vaccines available, as yet, in Kenya, for anyone but the older people. My niece has a baby less than a year old and she has to be masked completely to even talk to or feed him.

We have life so good here and for some reason have forgotten that and many people just cry "FREEDOM" to justify their choice. So many people in the world do not have even a small percentage of the freedoms we have and many just do not appreciate what freedom really is.

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.
I keep reading how some of the children’s hospitals are full to capacity with covid cases and that the children who are sick with cancer and other serious diseases can’t get admitted when needed. 😡😢
The people in North American that refuse to get the vaccine are starting to seriously annoy me.

Anti vaxxers have been around since the first vaccines. Initially, I thought that with covid the antivax movement was going to take a hit. Boy, was I wrong.

But yeah they totally annoy me too. I'm at the point of (secretly) thinking, why do I have to wear a mask to protect someone who won't even get a vaccine.

BTW, I really do know why. and its not to protect them but to protect their kids and grand parents who can't get a vaccine.

I have similar issues accessing articles. You need a subscription for a lot of them. It’s funny because I can’t access the link that I posted here yet I was able to read it on Facebook.
In Europe we cannot access many of the US based newspapers including the above plus the NY Post.:unamused:
The Washington Post is behind a paywall. I can't read it either.

the NYT is also behind a paywall. I have a subscription but I try not to post links to them here.

the NY Post may be behind a paywall. I've never tried to read that POS rag anyway. :)
They are as bad or even worse than FOX.
In the lounge now. Lucky in a way because even though the front of the house is so public, it does have nice views which i can enjoy through the glass.. tide is going in and out and all the people walking past with their dogs, i dont really need to be outside.
Listened to a podcast yesterday, the Sunday Bonus episode from NPR's Up First, The Road Ahead for Covid-19. It hit on a number of subjects, and one of them was mandating. One of the interviewees was Obama's secretary of Homeland Security, Juliette Kayyern. Her main point was that airlines should mandate vaccinations to fly. One point was that some people don't want to fly if there is a chance that they might end up sitting next to someone with Covid. Another point was that a mandate might even be good for the airlines and get more people on planes. People are also losing patience with the unvaccinated. She also thought the a mandate for flying might boost vaccinations. Flying might be "the thing" that gets someone over their hesitancy. She also spent a minute on the liberty/freedom issue that would be sure to pop up. Basically, flying like many other things is not a right but a privilege.
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