my sister and her husband just returned from a 2 week holiday in Philly and New Jersey as some very close friends invited them to come and visit - they were somewhat reluctant and yet really wanted to visit - not allowed to drive across the border so they had to fly - they are back and she just texted me a short time ago and said that although they had a good time they will not be crossing the border again in the near future if ever - test after test and hoop after hoop to jump through - they are both double vaxxed
we now have vaccine passports available, starting two days ago, I will get one but don't really need it as I don't go anywhere that one would be required
two of our western provinces, Alberta and Saskatchewan, are in big trouble right now as they both lifted all restrictions in July when every thought it was over....... thankfully Ontario did not lift the mask restrictions and I have no trouble complying and will continue to do so as I don't wish to have even a mild case or pass it on to anyone else or get the flu either
I had to deal with a challenge at the grocery store two days ago. As I was walking back to my vehicle with a cart full of groceries, an older lady was shuffling through the parking lot in shorts, a light jacket and birkenstocks (it was a cool rainy day) and when I say shuffling I mean a few inches at a time and with a cane. She was half crying and asked me if I would give her a ride to her home.... cue all my covid concerns.... I have not been in close contact with anyone at all, especially in a vehicle.... I asked her if she had a mask, she did, I asked her if she was vaccinated and she said she was double vaxxed so I said okay - I have an SUV so it was a challenge just getting her into it - I drove with all the windows down.... turns out she is likely not much older than I am and she had a stroke in December - waiting at her home was a friend, wondering where she was and a contractor waiting to install bars for her bathroom etc. Over the past year and half I often wondered what I would do if I was put into that situation as 'helping others' could compromise them and me. I am happy to know that I rose to the challenge althought somewhat reluctantly...
has anyone else found themselves in this kind of situation?
Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.