Since society began? Since George Washington mandated vaccines for Americas troops?Since when is the collective good the responsibility of the individual? Sounds a lot like authoritarian collectivism, also why do you label all your political opponents as right wing extremist? You watch to much CNN, you're using the same Rhetoric as war lord Obama.
I certainly do not label all those I disagree with politically right wing extremists, and I don't watch CNN.
You seem to enjoy being dismissive of progressives!
No. A fetus does not have bodily autonomy. That's actually a stupid question.What, no bodily autonomy for fetuses?
So you also like Tom Cotton? The whole "slavery is a necessary evil"? Now there's a sure sign of entitlement! When someone can justify slavery as a means to an end, but be rally against mandatory vaccinations as taking away their 'rights'!Is it weren't for those slave holders, there's a good chance you would still be living under monarchy, and you wouldn't be complaining about your liberty, because you wouldn't have any, than again you might like that, that government will take good care of you so long as you give up your personal sovereignty, just think, you'd never have to be responsible for your own life!

You really have a very narrow view of freedom, and yes, it does seem to align with the extreme rights nationalist views
Since you mention the whole liberty and rebelling against the monarchy--what's your opinion of George Washingtons smallpox vaccine mandate? It was far less researched than the covid vaccine, and opposition was not allowed. I suppose you would rather have had his troops mutiny rather than succumb to the communistic idea of not having choice?
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