When you say you both had it, what symptoms did you both have? Did you need to go to hospital? And if you tested for covid, what else did you test for?
The thing that I've found most puzzling over the past 18 months is that people have been describing what used to be just a bug (cold or flu, undefined). I'm not saying that's trivial, as the flu can be bad news for the compromised and obese, and just a cold can be bad news when you're over 70. The rest of us would miss a couple of days work at most (or zero days for those annoying 'heroes' that go in when they're still ill).
Four or five years ago, before this strange era, a friend (in her 30s and healthier than me) was off work for about a month with a virus. Now it would be front page news.
Since 2021 I've never felt so pressured, actually bullied, to get vaccines that are not only new vaccines, but new
types of vaccine, which I took. I have spoken to people that had a bad vaccine experience (more than feeling ill for a few days). We have
never tested for a virus this hard before, or tried so hard to attribute one thing as a cause of death (
with covid covers a lot of sins).
TLDR. I honestly don't want to make enemies

, but I'm with your boyfriend on this one. I'm glad there are vaccines for those that need and/or want them. I work in science and don't see myself as a crank. Something is not right here.