Health Issues The Everything Covid 19 Thread

My sister came home from Mexico on saturday and tested positive.on Monday. I was there when she got back and now my nose won't stop running. I don't have any tests that aren't expired. And my digital thermometer needs new batteries. I may be able to get a test kit this afternoon.
How are you now?
I woke up in the middle of the night with a terrible cough, it got to where it felt like heaving at one point. I even spit up a bit of blood, but not sure if it came from my nose or cough
I went back to sleep and woke up ok. Of course my doctor is out on friday or I;d have tried to get appt. The blood thing was scary, I tasted it
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Reactions: PTree15 and KLS52
sending healing thoughts

Emma JC
Find your vegan soulmate or just a friend.

Also, the nursing home where my dad lives is again having a Covid outbreak, which I discovered when I got there to visit him today. I had to wear an N95 mask to see him. So far, neither he nor his roommate has it, but I kept my mask on the whole time anyway. I didn't stay long, maybe 45 minutes, which I felt bad about, but I didn't really want to stay there too long, as I have company coming Sunday.
How are you now?
I woke up in the middle of the night with a terrible cough, it got to where it felt like heaving at one point. I even spit up a bit of blood, but not sure if it came from my nose or cough
I went back to sleep and woke up ok. Of course my doctor is out on friday or I;d have tried to get appt. The blood thing was scary, I tasted it
I think I overreacted. Was all worried for a half a day. took a Sudafed and the runny nose stopped and the next day I was fine. However I don't know what caused the runny nose. Maybe some kind of allergen I was exposed to.
Meanwhile my sister is pretty sick and started Paxlovid
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Reactions: PTree15
I think I overreacted. Was all worried for a half a day. took a Sudafed and the runny nose stopped and the next day I was fine. However I don't know what caused the runny nose. Maybe some kind of allergen I was exposed to.
Meanwhile my sister is pretty sick and started Paxlovid
I hope your sister will be OK. Sending healing vibes/thoughts her way.