Health Issues The Everything Covid 19 Thread

I feel like a damned criminal just walking down the street, and frankly, it's starting to **** me off.

@Nekodaiden - I don't know what it is exactly, but I just know there is a lot more going on that what we're being fed (and it's not sitting well with me at all).


I just watched (actually, listened to) a presentation on that scared the crap out of me - and I don't scare easily. It sits right, logically, at least most of it, and fits with certain understandings I already have, but it's not something most people would even dream as being close to true. However, I won't post it because although I can back up some of the issues raised, I can't personally back up many of the others it makes.
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A petition to sign for those who feel comfortable doing so:

Ending live daily coverage of Trump's COVID-19 briefings

Earlier this week both the White House and Trump campaign released public statements acknowledging this petition has their attention, and they're not happy about it! We have more than 200,000 supporters, but we need to keep the momentum going we're already seeing some success as networks have started cutting away from these live events. Sign my petition, and I'll keep you up to date on the next steps. See my original email below.

Dear fellow MoveOn member,

Donald Trump is using the daily COVID-19 coronavirus press briefings for his own personal and political gain. Instead of focusing on showing leadership in this time of crisis and providing key information on how the federal government is stepping in to take care of the American people, Trump is using the press briefings as a way to spread misinformation, campaign for re-election, and bully reporters who challenge him.

Instead of enabling this behavior, major news media outlets need to stop airing these press briefings live, unedited on television. Trump and his administration do not deserve a platform to make a case for re-election in a global pandemic, and news media organizations need to intervene and make sure that they are not allowing the general public to fall prey to misinformation from the sitting president as we all deal with the effects of the coronavirus.

Sign this petition demanding that media outlets end live daily coverage of Trumps's COVID-19 coronavirus press briefings.

Sign this petition demanding that media outlets end live coverage of Trump's coronavirus press briefings where he spreads misinformation and campaigns for re-election.
Sign Julie's petition
President Trump is blatantly using CNN and other news organizations’ extensive live coverage to freely campaign for a second term. It is wrong and dangerous to provide so much unfettered airtime to someone who is shamelessly spreading damaging misinformation that is already costing fellow Americans their lives. He's boasting about the ratings and using the daily press conferences to drive news cycles with his latest outlandish comments, deceptions, denials, and false information. Media can cover these conferences as news after the fact if Trump says anything newsworthy.

Please tell CNN and other news organizations to monitor and then broadcast valid, accurate information from medical experts, rather than feelings and diatribes from the president that only serve his own electoral interests.

Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your friends.

Thanks for all you do.

—Julie Rochman
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A very uplifting story amongst all of the gloom. Rita Reynolds, a 99 yr old great granny has survived Covid.
She has a common trait with Paddington bear as they both love marmelade sandwiches.

Apparently she has never eaten vegetables or fruit in her entire life. :innocent:

  • Rita Reynolds, 99, fell ill on March 25 and her family were predicting the worst
  • The great-grandmother from Bramhall, near Stockport, is now on the mend
  • Her family joke its all down to her love of a nice marmalade sandwich

Went for groceries again today, and is such a weird feeling... Felt like a criminal fugitive when in reality I was buying celery, potatoes, Carrots etc...

I feel like a damned criminal just walking down the street, and frankly, it's starting to **** me off.

Yes, I wanted to go out to the shops to buy some fresh fruit and veg (and alcohol!) and I'm wondering whether to go or not!

It must be more difficult for vegans as they run out of fresh produce quicker.
That’s interesting because there hasn’t been a lack of fresh produce over here. The stores have been well stocked from the beginning. I’m just not keen on going out anymore.

How are you getting fresh food?
From today, Russia won't be "saving" our citizens who are stuck in other countries. No flights with "returned ones" are scheduled. They will allegedly get some financial help, but that's it. By doing this, government is trying to prevent new cases of contamination. I have quite mixed feelings about this. Really, i don't know what to think.
Meanwhile, statistics about the last 24hrs is not good. 582 new cases in the last 24hrs (4731 in total); 434 new cases in Moscow only; 49 new cases in Moscow area; 15(!) new cases in SPb; 6 new cases in SPb area.
333 - fully recovered (+52 in the last 24 hrs).
43 - dead (+9 in the last 24 hrs).🥺
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How are you getting fresh food?
I’m not. Not much anyway. I did manage to book a delivery two weeks ago and it’s finally coming today. So I will have a few days worth of fresh fruit/vegetables.

Delivery service is being booked out 2-3 weeks in advance. Certain services only do two day reservations at a time so if you wait until midnight when a new slot opens up you could get lucky. My daughter did that. I’ve tried at 3 am and had no luck.

The longer we are sheltered in place the worse it seems to be getting. I’m sure I’ll have to go out at some point though. I’m just really nervous about it now.
I just saw on the news that Walmart is going to start limiting the number of customers in the store at a time. This should be interesting! I haven't been in a "big" Walmart in a long time. The small neighborhood Walmart by me has never been that crowded when I have gone there.
Hi Chryssie

We already have that here....

And, more ominously:

But, let's not get too depressed.....

I did go out for a walk and to a local shop in the end as I've been inside for 10 days. I really enjoyed getting out and getting some sun as it is nice weather here this weekend.

I've never seen so many people walking, jogging and cycling around on their own in my local area! :laughing: People must be getting bored at home. I am going to go out early tomorrow and have a longer walk, probably my usual hour tomorrow.

Two people got really close to me in the shop. I felt like saying something to them but I thought it would prolong the contact I had with them. I did manage to get some more fresh fruit and salad.
I did go out for a walk and to a local shop in the end as I've been inside for 10 days. I really enjoyed getting out and getting some sun as it is nice weather here this weekend.

I've never seen so many people walking, jogging and cycling around on their own in my local area! :laughing: People must be getting bored at home. I am going to go out early tomorrow and have a longer walk, probably my usual hour tomorrow.

Two people got really close to me in the shop. I felt like saying something to them but I thought it would prolong the contact I had with them. I did manage to get some more fresh fruit and salad.

This is my concern about going out. I have noticed that people are not respecting the physical distance requirements. We can't have a police officer following every singe person and I also think that if you make a remark it may trigger hostility.

Anyway, the more people go out, the more cases of covid and the more lockdowns. It's a vicious circle.
I’m not. Not much anyway. I did manage to book a delivery two weeks ago and it’s finally coming today. So I will have a few days worth of fresh fruit/vegetables.

Delivery service is being booked out 2-3 weeks in advance. Certain services only do two day reservations at a time so if you wait until midnight when a new slot opens up you could get lucky. My daughter did that. I’ve tried at 3 am and had no luck.

The longer we are sheltered in place the worse it seems to be getting. I’m sure I’ll have to go out at some point though. I’m just really nervous about it now.
Will you wear a mask? I did this with a bandana. Makes sense to me that we all go into stores with one, as you don't know you make transmit it, or maybe even yourself. Wear a mask, keep your distance, wash your hands and stuff--
Last time I went out, I pulled my scarf right up over my face (some might say it's an improvement!); people definitely avoided me more, and moved further away. It was like I was wearing a bell and a sign around my neck shouting 'unclean'.... So I think it works because people think you are infectious. Unless it's just my appearance generally.... :medusa:
Last time I went out, I pulled my scarf right up over my face (some might say it's an improvement!); people definitely avoided me more, and moved further away. It was like I was wearing a bell and a sign around my neck shouting 'unclean'.... So I think it works because people think you are infectious. Unless it's just my appearance generally.... :medusa:
Yes! It really does serve as a reminder, and a show that you take this seriously. I was wearing an old dusk mask at work this week and it did keep people at a distance!
Biggest gripe is when people walk the opposite way and JUST when they come up to you give a greeting! Like how about saying hello when you're away from me, or just a smile and nod!
And worse when you get surprised and right up on the person and they say sorry just out of habit. We need to change habits. For good
Will you wear a mask? I did this with a bandana. Makes sense to me that we all go into stores with one, as you don't know you make transmit it, or maybe even yourself. Wear a mask, keep your distance, wash your hands and stuff--
Yes, I think I will. I ordered a pack of cotton tshirts and I have the hair ties.

I’m also reading that the heavy duty blue paper towels are even better to use than cloth. I’ll have to do more research and see what the “experts” say.
All this talk of conspiracy has me thinking, though...I wonder if they are suggesting making your own so that the good masks that you buy will be available for the healthcare workers...🤔
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I go outside three to four times a day to walk the dog. And I see lots of other people walking, running, biking and dog walking. Everyone is practicing social distancing. I haven't had to go out to the store because I have lots of food here. We have lots of dry bulk items like beans and rice. and lots of stuff in the freezer and in cans. And soy milk in redi packs. However when we run out of stuff my sister or husband go out and take every precaution.

I just saw on the news that Walmart now screens all their employees for a temperature. Anyone with a temp over 100 is sent home with pay. This is what South Korea implemented nationally back in January. And they got a very good response in flattening the curve. The lack of national leadership in this country is abysmal. And to think that Walmart of all places is taking the lead in responsible management.