Coronavirus: The good news (and not so good news) about the chances of a COVID-19 vaccine
Scientists are optimistic about the prospects of finding a COVID-19 vaccine but there are unknowns ahead.
We were told the same: russian patients (relatively healthy, in their 30s and 40s) are dying of strokes.![]()
Healthy people in their 30s and 40s, barely sick with COVID-19, are dying from strokes
Thomas Oxley wasn’t even on call the day he received the page to come into Mount Sinai Beth Israel Hospital in Manhattan. There weren’t enough doctors to treat all the emergency stroke patients, and he was needed in the operating room. The patient’s chart appeared unremarkable at first glance...www.boston.com
Bill Maher had a great "New Rule" piece on Friday night - he has been railing against factory farming for a long time - I do not believe he is a vegan or even a vegetarian but he it spot on regarding factory farms...
Emma JC
Wet markets are horrible. I visited one in Canton many years ago and am still traumatised by what I saw.![]()
I get traumatized just seeing them pictured on TV - all those bats laid out on tables .... makes me so sad.
Emma JC
I always worry what will happen to my cats if I died. Obviously, their basic needs would be taken care of by husband and son and I’m thankful for that. But they are my main reason for getting up in the morning. Kind of sad, actually...that I feel like my absence would be felt strongest by my cats! *pity party* It’s just that hoomans are so much more resilient and self sufficient.![]()
I imagine there are hundreds of stories/cases like this. And not just from Covid19. I always worry what will happen to my cats if I died. Obviously, their basic needs would be taken care of by husband and son and I’m thankful for that. But they are my main reason for getting up in the morning. Kind of sad, actually...that I feel like my absence would be felt strongest by my cats! *pity party* It’s just that hoomans are so much more resilient and self sufficient.![]()