I just checked the statistics for Russia - looks like corona is WORSE in Russia than in USA, and cases are still growing exponentially. The people in Russia HAVE to self-isolate in order to stop the spread of corona!
I don't think it's worse. (Or that was fake statistics). If you look at my message above, you'll see that there are 57999 cases in total (for Apr.22nd), which is not so much for a big (huge) country like ours. Moreover, the biggest number of cases is in the epicenter of the outbreak (Moscow and its area, like satellite-towns, you know). Only 513 people are dead yet. So, compared to other places we're in a better position. We could be a lot better, if people were self-isolating and taking it seriously, but neither of it is being done, that's why the capital has gained its infamous leadership. But you have told me an interesting fact: i wasn't even aware that info about Russia is distorted abroad to such an extent. It's being done to show to ordinary people how awful and miserable life here is, and to create the image of an enemy (the "cold war" is over, but that mindset is still alive, and it works in politics). Please, no offence,- it's absolutely not your fault that you have read what you've read and repeated "the same old story", but it's just a little upsetting, when i understand, that even younger generations are being fed with propaganda, that still works for some reason. I mean, nothing helps, and no one knows how much time has to pass until the Soviet legacy stops influencing other countries' attitude towards Russia and Russians in general. (I'm not saying there are no *ssholes over here,- they are ubiquitous, lol).

Here is

the only true source with statistics for Russia. It's called stopcoronavirus.rf. It's in Russian, but it's easy to understand everything without words: the 1st (upper) line - the number of tests that have been done already; the 2nd line - number of cases in total; the 3rd line - new cases in the last 24 hrs; the 4th line - fully recovered; the 5th line - dead.
There is also a link below (it opens the statistics for all 85 regions).
Актуальные новости о коронавирусной инфекции в России. Данные из официальных источников. Информация о вакцинах, прививках и заболеваемости в регионах РФ