Wealthy people in 1st world countries with a well developed healthcare system are pretty much safe, of course unless death wasnt waiting behind the mountains but allready had a firm grip on the shoulder. So why bother?
Um.... everything is relative.
1% is high compared to the flu. But check out these mortality rates (all percentages are for diseases that go untreated. Granted there are treatments for some of these - just as we are finding treatments for Coronavirus).
Aids/HIV -- 80 -90%
Rabies - 100%
Small pox ≈ 90%
Ebola -- 83 - 90%
Anthrax ≈ 85%
Flu H5N1 ≈ 60%
Marburg -- 23 - 90%
MERS ≈ 35%
SARS ≈ 11%
Coronavirus 1 - 9%
- List of human disease case fatality rates - Wikipedia
IMHO, what makes the Coronavirus so dangerous is not its mortality rate OR its ease of transmission but the number of days that it's contagious without showing symptoms - the incubation period. We still don't know for sure how long Cornoavirus' incubation period is or for how long it's contagious. There are very few dangerous communicable diseases that have long incubation periods. AIDS, Chickenpox, and measles are up there.
In good apocalypse books and movies, they combine a disease that has ariborne transmission with a high mortality rate and a long incubation period. So the disease can spread worldwide before anyone notices. Like if you combined the worst features of Smallpox with measles.
Correct, and stating the obvious.
Unfortunately, it is a disease that currently poses a danger to everyone (in countries where it isn't being managed well, such as the US).
Downplaying the risk makes the problem worse. A lot of people have died because of this attitude.
I just heard on the radio that they are saying that after this pandemic we will move to a 4 day working week. It would benefit the environment, the economy and mental health. Seems like a very good outcome after something so horrible. They have been talking about this same idea in New Zealand too.
People in Florida are so stupid! I am so ashamed.
Trump ‘patriots’ ready to die for freedom shout down county commissioners because they don’t want to wear face masks
Supporters of President Donald Trump in Palm Beach County, Florida this week screamed at county commissioners who voted unanimously to require that residents wear face masks when out in public.As The Daily Beast reports, the public hearing on Palm Beach County’s new mask policy drew scores of...www.alternet.org
And the hits just keep on coming...
Back in the days of the Gas Crisis. (is that what we called it?) The company I worked for went to a 4-day working week to save gas. Surprisingly I did not like it. We worked four 10-hour days. Throw in the commute time and it was like there wasn't enough time to do anything in the evenings. You ended up spending a day on your weekend just doing laundry, shopping, and housecleaning. I wasn't the only one with the issue. We eventually switched to a nine-hour day with alternate 3 day weekends. I really liked that. but after the gas crisis was over we all went back to business as usual.
Perhaps it was me?Oh, that is quite a surprise. Someone I know only works Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri and really likes it as a lifestyle.
I just heard on the radio that they are saying that after this pandemic we will move to a 4 day working week. It would benefit the environment, the economy and mental health. Seems like a very good outcome after something so horrible. They have been talking about this same idea in New Zealand too.
Perhaps it was me?From October to the end of March, i was working only on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. And i have to admit, i liked it!
I dont know how people in Nz would be able to live on that money. In the main centres houses cost 1 milion for a basic house, and 800,000 in the other main centres. Rents also steep to match. Houses used to be about 300,000 20 years ago.
No, it wasn't you, but I'm glad you liked it.
I think societies are going to have to be restructured and changed after this, well, I hope they will!
We were pushing for that to be regular hours where I work, many groups were already working mandatory 10 hours and then Friday they'd have the option of working a half day if they got everything out. I used to work 10's for overtime....those were the days!Just wanted to be clear. we still worked 40 hours a week. Four 10-hour days. I would leave the house at 7 AM be at work by 8. work till 7. Get home at 8. By the time I made dinner, ate it, and cleaned up, I didn't have time to do any shopping or laundry or house cleaning. So all that stuff ended up being put off till the weekend.
I bought hepa filter vacuum bags but I haven’t put it in my masks yet. My daughter made me a couple of masks with pockets.Masks. I already have more than enough but now that we are looking at mandatory masks - maybe one more wouldn't be a bad idea
Right now my favorite mask has an inner pocket. Does anyone know about the filters that I could put inside it. so some of them protect the wearer?
Here is a good article on some masks you can buy
13 Face Masks We Actually Like to Wear
Whether you’re headed to the office with a tickle in your throat or getting on a crowded bus, face coverings are probably here to stay.www.wired.com
I've heard that about the HEPA filter vacuum bags. I think I'll try that. and buy another mask with a pocket.I bought hepa filter vacuum bags but I haven’t put it in my masks yet. My daughter made me a couple of masks with pockets.
Just make sure they are made of polypropylene, and not with fiberglass.