Health Issues The Everything Covid 19 Thread

In Germany the slaughterhouse TÖNNIES, that is known for slightly better conditions for the foreign workers than for the other livestock, had a whooping 1000(+100) new infections.

I hope this Hellgate will never be opened again but isnt it a cruel joke? Must it always come to the very worst or worse before anything is done? Apart from alternative media and tabloids noone really likes talking about it though, local goverment would have to admit that they are deaf, dumb and blind for not having done something earlier. And of course theres lots of money involved....
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I have worked in many consulate nursing/rehab centers with HCSG. The facility I was the kitchen manager at had 9 deaths. Consulate is a cheap company, they don't give enough supplies or pay people. They hire incompetent, lazy staff. They do not pay well enough for any good staff to stay. I am so saddened by this, I feel broken for their families. I love, miss and was worried about the residents and staff of these facilities.
I feel selfish to say, I am glad I am not working in this facility.

I used to volunteer in nursing homes and I saw a lot of troubling things too.

It's another example of people not caring about the impact of their behavior on those who can't fully advocate for themselves and be heard.

It doesn't even make sense from a selfish perspective. It's short-sighted. Many of us will have to live in a care facility at some point. The way they're run today sets a precedent for the future. If we make changes today, we'll see the benefits ourselves when we and/or our friends are in need of residential health care.

We're pushed towards a youth-centered culture because it's good for commerce. We're supposed to act kind of like teenagers so we'll keep consuming new products in order to follow trends, so we'll be open to the next new thing that's being advertised.

A side effect of that is that we've not only lost respect for people who are older, but we neglect their basic rights, and often keep them separated from younger generations. And people of all ages who need residential health care feel the impact. It's not right.

I look at my own generation, and there's so much antipathy against the younger generations, it seems to be part of this broader problem. Our media encourages tensions between people of different age groups. We need to turn things back the other way, and heal from all of that.
My zip code cases: ZIP code 32720, which includes all or parts of DeLand, Orange City, DeLand Southwest, DeLeon Springs, Lake Kathryn, Lake Mac-Forest Hills, North DeLand and West DeLand, has 5 to 9.
The other zip code in DeLand has 25!
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If an effective treatment could come out, that would make me feel a bit better, but I agree, I don't think it's going anywhere until we get either a treatment or a vaccine. I'm wondering what socializing will be like as well, especially once the cold weather comes. It's fine now, because we can all stay outside while we visit, but come winter, it could get pretty lonely. I haven't seen some of my good friends in ages, only the one that lives nearby. It also means no more concerts for quite a while. I really miss live, in-person music.
Russian scientists have invented very effective pills(!) against covid (about a week ago). They're meant for those who are already sick. But they won't be sold in pharmacy shops: they're for hospitals only. And who can guarantee that a patient gets a "magic pill" if he gets sick? It was said, that with this pill, people get rid of covid in 3 days. But what's the use of this medicine if it won't be available for public?..
They are also testing vaccines on volunteers. There are a lot of different vaccines, but they'll become available for health care workers first and for other "risk groups". "Ordinary people", like us, have no idea when they'll get the vaccine.
But what's the use of this medicine if it won't be available for public?..

Keep in mind that very few people who have the Coronavirus die. Last I heard it was like 1 or 2%. Most cases are mild. The "at risk" patients are pretty identifiable: geriatric; diabetics; and the unhealthy.

So an effective treatment - even with a limited supply - could have a huge impact on mortality.

We still don't know if people can get Corvid19 twice. If it behaves like the viruses it is related to there will be some immunity imparted to the survivors. If enough people survive, and the immunity lasts for a while, then herd immunity kicks in. But the best real hope is a vaccine.
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Saw this meme in a group of militant carnivorous humanoids, in VK social network. They couldn't avoid mentioning vegans (whom they dislike), but in general, this meme has something rational, especially the last line. It reminds me that girl Xenia, and other anti-vaccine activists. I hope this picture won't offend anyone, because it's just another meme from meat-eaters.
It's written here (from the top down):
"Keep your distance!
Preachy vegans
Toxic friends
Religious fanatics
Anti-vaccine activists".

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Keep in mind that very few people who have the Coronavirus die. Last I heard it was like 1 or 2%. Most cases are mild. The "at risk" patients are pretty identifiable: geriatric; diabetics; and the unhealthy.

So an effective treatment - even with a limited supply - could have a huge impact on mortality.

We still don't know if people can get Corvid19 twice. If it behaves like the viruses it is related to there will be some immunity imparted to the survivors. If enough people survive, and the immunity lasts for a while, then herd immunity kicks in. But the best real hope is a vaccine.
There are 149 strains detected already. And who knows how many more they will find, or how many exist. Double-contamination could be simply because they have different strains in a row. (Well, when i get vaccine against flu, they inject me a few strains, which are more likely to be "in season",- that's what nurses always tell me). The government says, that in order to stop covid, our citizens have to develop so-called "collective immunity", meaning that some will recover, others will be vaccinated,- thus, the chain of contamination will break. OTOH, it won't be very soon, even with a vaccine available. These multiple strains can just loose their strength a little (that's what the prognosis is about).
meme from meat-eaters....
...but it doesnt sound insulting and ignorant enough to have originated from Russia. In austrian news channels they mostly speak about EU, USA and Brazil.... maybe China and South Korea but almost nothing about whats going on in Russia (considering they have pretty high infection rate and rather shoddy healthcare system). Hows the news coverage on your countries?
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I didn’t read this word for word but I didn’t see anything about how you go about enforcing something like this.
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There are 149 strains detected already. And who knows how many more they will find, or how many exist. Double-contamination could be simply because they have different strains in a row. (Well, when i get vaccine against flu, they inject me a few strains, which are more likely to be "in season",- that's what nurses always tell me). The government says, that in order to stop covid, our citizens have to develop so-called "collective immunity", meaning that some will recover, others will be vaccinated,- thus, the chain of contamination will break. OTOH, it won't be very soon, even with a vaccine available. These multiple strains can just loose their strength a little (that's what the prognosis is about).

Collective immunity is another way of saying herd immunity.

There isn't much evidence that there are 149 strains. The best evidence is that there are between 6 and 14. Viruses mutation is a given. It is going to happen. but some mutations won't be as deadly. some might not be as communicable. And a vaccine developed for one strain may work on others as well.

The viruses that are the problem is the new viruses. these are the ones that people don't have any immunity to. But yeah, as time goes by the vaccine for Corona will be a moving target as the vaccine won't be effective on every one of the strains.

Your annual flu shot does have a cocktail of vaccines for different strains. I think its effectiveness is limited by economics, not science. It's a cost-saving measure. And a bit of a gamble. The idea is why vaccinate against strains that are unlikely to show up.
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Collective immunity is another way of saying herd immunity.

There isn't much evidence that there are 149 strains. The best evidence is that there are between 6 and 14. Viruses mutation is a given. It is going to happen. but some mutations won't be as deadly. some might not be as communicable. And a vaccine developed for one strain may work on others as well.

The viruses that are the problem is the new viruses. these are the ones that people don't have any immunity to. But yeah, as time goes by the vaccine for Corona will be a moving target as the vaccine won't be effective on every one of the strains.

Your annual flu shot does have a cocktail of vaccines for different strains. I think its effectiveness is limited by economics, not science. It's a cost-saving measure. And a bit of a gamble. The idea is why vaccinate against strains that are unlikely to show up.
Unghshu is only repeating what russian epidemiologists have claimed about the number of strains detected (saw it on an official channel, a.k.a. a channel that is pro-presidental and so on). And yes, they were also saying that a new vaccine has to be effective against multiple strains, not only one particular strain. Plus, it has to be harmless for humans. That's why they are so slow in their invention process...
...but it doesnt sound insulting and ignorant enough to have originated from Russia. In austrian news channels they mostly speak about EU, USA and Brazil.... maybe China and South Korea but almost nothing about whats going on in Russia (considering they have pretty high infection rate and rather shoddy healthcare system). Hows the news coverage on your countries?
Lol, i have no idea how insulting and ignorant Russia-derived things should be, but i guess, related to this matter (covid, vaccines, conspiracy theories, etc.) there are enough idiots around the globe. We are not exception,- there are a lot of covid-denialists here, but the government fights them.😁
Here is another part of my creepy statistics (daily info of contaminated, like, how much people a day get infected in the whole country). I posted about April and May previously.
We have an online database, called "stopcoronavirus.rf", which provides all statistics and other info. It also helps those citizens who are still stuck abroad (clueless vacationers, who are abundant in world resorts, and who are unable to come back).
Here it is:
On the main page you can see 5 numbers that are actual for a current day (e.g. Jun.24th). 1) how much tests have been done; 2) how many infected there have been detected for the whole period; 3) number of infected for today; 4) number of fully recovered 5) number of deceased.
The blue button below ("🌎 Подробные данные") provides the same info in diagrams and thorough info about numbers in all 85 federal subjects).
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Lol, i have no idea how insulting and ignorant Russia-derived things should be, but i guess, related to this matter (covid, vaccines, conspiracy theories, etc.) there are enough idiots around the globe. We are not exception,- there are a lot of covid-denialists here, but the government fights them.😁

Um yay for the government? Worship your earthly masters, who know all and who would never lie to you?

The "covid denialists" do not really exist on this thread. Everyone who disagrees with the official narrative (save me) is either silent or left. Conspiracies don't exist - no one ever conspires to deceive or anything - especially not your precious governments (whatever land you hail from) - they are all there to serve you and never do anything wrong. The groom of the stool does not exist. Look that up. Eat the **** of your earthly masters, because they are pure and never lie. They would be caught, after all. And if caught, it would make the nightly corporate news, and you'd know. Everyone would "know", just watching the television. Because corporate television is truth.

Stop. Listen to the WHO (world health organization). They are the authority - because...because...."world" and "health" is in their title. But of course. Titles always demand respect, just on titles, and not on history or funding. The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation being the #1 funder of the WHO, who have been pushing vaccines for years (including vaccines that have made much controversy in 3rd world countries for including anti-fertility components) - and for also funding the "fact checkers" of various social media platforms (including facebook) - this of course means nothing. When they bend over, as a good "global citizen" it is one's duty to lick the excrement that remains after they've wiped.

Coronavirus is nothing more than the flu. In fact the tests are comparable to the flu. But it's a "novel (new) cornavirus" - because the corporate media keeps repeating this, but it's not true. So much bs has been exposed on this one has to be either willfully ignorant or a fool to believe the official story. Or maybe gullible enough to believe high financial powers and influencers (such as participants in Event 201) that just happened to have the clairvoyance to predict the "epidemic" right on cue just before it happened, late 2019.
For those reading this wanting information that is well researched and can be verified, start here: the whole 4 part series, and don't take his word for it. He encourages people to look into the information themselves and scrutinize it. If you don't like this information, and want to run to google to confirm your bias, you are free to do so of course, just know that various "fact checking" websites are also funded by this piece of human garbage.
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Keep in mind that very few people who have the Coronavirus die. Last I heard it was like 1 or 2%. Most cases are mild. The "at risk" patients are pretty identifiable: geriatric; diabetics; and the unhealthy.

So an effective treatment - even with a limited supply - could have a huge impact on mortality.

We still don't know if people can get Corvid19 twice. If it behaves like the viruses it is related to there will be some immunity imparted to the survivors. If enough people survive, and the immunity lasts for a while, then herd immunity kicks in. But the best real hope is a vaccine.

We've lost over 124,000 people in the US. 1 - 2% is a high death rate for a disease that's so contagious. And part of the problem here was that people initially believed that it only affected those who were over 70 or had certain underlying health conditions. In reality, people of all ages died from it. It did skew towards certain demographic groups, but everyone was basically at risk. Moreso because a lot of lower risk people didn't start taking precautions early enough.
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We've lost over 124,000 people in the US. 1 - 2% is a high death rate for a disease that's so contagious.

Um.... everything is relative.

1% is high compared to the flu. But check out these mortality rates (all percentages are for diseases that go untreated. Granted there are treatments for some of these - just as we are finding treatments for Coronavirus).

Aids/HIV -- 80 -90%
Rabies - 100%
Small pox ≈ 90%
Ebola -- 83 - 90%
Anthrax ≈ 85%
Flu H5N1 ≈ 60%
Marburg -- 23 - 90%
MERS ≈ 35%
SARS ≈ 11%
Coronavirus 1 - 9%

- List of human disease case fatality rates - Wikipedia

IMHO, what makes the Coronavirus so dangerous is not its mortality rate OR its ease of transmission but the number of days that it's contagious without showing symptoms - the incubation period. We still don't know for sure how long Cornoavirus' incubation period is or for how long it's contagious. There are very few dangerous communicable diseases that have long incubation periods. AIDS, Chickenpox, and measles are up there.


In good apocalypse books and movies, they combine a disease that has ariborne transmission with a high mortality rate and a long incubation period. So the disease can spread worldwide before anyone notices. Like if you combined the worst features of Smallpox with measles.
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