Health Issues The Everything Covid 19 Thread

Today, at the Veterinary station, the Vet who was checking the cat, sneezed. Now I wonder whether she has corona...
I also have been starting to think that it's not a matter of if, but a matter of when. No one wears masks here.
This is unnerving, because some years ago I had a really bad pneumonia. I had to be hospitalized and was pretty much out of it most of the time.
If I have to be hospitalized, the cat probably dies too.
The vet wasn't wearing a mask? I mean a sneeze isn't a big covid symptom, I've been sneezing so much with allergies! But I would expect any and everyone in health care to wear a mask. Our vet is still not allowing people inside, they come out and get them and have phone chats
It's so hard when you don't know who to ask to be a godparent, but so importent
Some articles speculating whether or not COVID will be seasonal, with a lower rate of infection during the summer:

The consensus seems to be no, and yet it does SEEM to be spreading more slowly now than a few months ago. I guess we'll find out in another month.

I've relaxed my precautions a bit, but I'm still staying home as much as possible.
The vet wasn't wearing a mask? I mean a sneeze isn't a big covid symptom, I've been sneezing so much with allergies! But I would expect any and everyone in health care to wear a mask. Our vet is still not allowing people inside, they come out and get them and have phone chats
It's so hard when you don't know who to ask to be a godparent, but so importent
Next time I ask if the phone chat is possible... Thank you for the idea.
On a lighter note (or not): a whole tiny music movie by "Les ballets de Monte Carlo". The idea gets more clear closer to the end. (In a nutshell, it's about desperate attempts of ballet dancers to dance in conditions of LD, and about being deprived of doing their job and living their normal lives).
"Wake up! LBdeMC emerges from confinement":


Anyone surprised by this revelation?

Here is the NYT article the Raw Story referenced. Just in case you had doubts about the RawStory's credentials.

And some of the article's highlights

  • Smithfield Foods was the first company to warn in April that the coronavirus pandemic was pushing the United States “perilously close to the edge in terms of our meat supply.”
  • That same month, Smithfield sent China 9,170 tons of pork, one of its highest monthly export totals to that market in the past three years.
  • Tyson Foods also sounded the alarm,
  • Tyson exported 1,289 tons of pork to China, the most since January 2017.
  • Smithfield, which China’s largest pork producer bought in 2013,
  • Until recently, China had been largely self-sufficient in pork. That changed after African swine fever started decimating its pig population in 2018.
Be careful, you all! It can get bad fast. In NYC, it spread slowly for a few months and then we had a month where, as I'm sure you heard, a lot of people got sick and we lost about 20,000, maybe more. And the majority of us probably haven't been exposed yet.

It disproportionately affects some communities more than others. Some of the pressure not to take it seriously comes from people who don't think they'll be affected and aren't concerned about those who are. (I know I've mentioned this before here, but it's worth saying again.)

I've relaxed about it a bit along with most of my neighbors. It seems to be spreading more slowly right now. I'm riding the trains and busses again, sometimes sitting close to other people. But I still wear a mask indoors and wash my hands frequently. And I'm not going out for recreational purposes. I just work, shop, and volunteer with various relief efforts.
At work we require masks outside of working at our individual benches, which is perfectly fine with me. I wear a mask whenever I'm in stores, and any enclosed places.
People should focus on having a well fitted, and comfortable mask more than fight the requirements and we not need them for so long!
I don't even step into the corridor of my highrise without wearing a mask. The elevator is always a collection of smells from the last people who rode it and that is proof enough for me that going into it with a mask would be foolish. We have a two person max rule in the elevators so sometimes it takes longer to get up and down and yet worth it as far as I am concerned. I met a lady on the elevator yesterday (very old, with a walker and a mask) who told me it was her first time out of her unit since March. I congratulated her!

Emma JC
I'm still not wearing a mask as I mostly just go out for walks outdoors. I only go in one shop usually that is strict about only 2 people at a time. I can't remember if I said I went into a different shop this week and there were a group of women standing in one close group just talking. Some people are so annoying! I'm not going in there again.

I do have a few N95 masks at home now but I want to keep them for when I go back on public transport.
I feel terrible. I pride myself on my compassion, tolerance, and fairness. So I really feel bad for having these dark thoughts: Wouldn't it be great if everyone at Trump's rally tomorrow gets sick.

Especially the leadership.

I won't lie. I had some dark thoughts about Boris Johnson when he was sick. Him and Rand Paul. Ah.......

And I'm very much not alone in that.

But look at what's happening. And how this will be regarded decades later. We're not having the wrong kinds of thoughts at all. Our hearts are in the right places. They're effectively waging war on us and, obviously, we want to defend ourselves.
I feel terrible. I pride myself on my compassion, tolerance, and fairness. So I really feel bad for having these dark thoughts: Wouldn't it be great if everyone at Trump's rally tomorrow gets sick.
:D I've seen lots of stuff on FB about this rally "thinning the herd," so your sentiment is shared by more than a few people. I don't like to wish ill will on anyone, either, but I will not be surprised at an even larger surge of cases in Oklahoma and elsewhere, since a good number of people are coming from other places and could take it back to wherever they came from. I'm concerned that people, even in my own family, are relaxing their safety protocols a bit too much. I know we are all tired of this whole situation, but the virus doesn't care about that. People seem to be ignoring all the spikes in cases in a number of states. While some of that might be attributed to more extensive testing, the percentage of cases is exceeding the rise in testing in some areas.

I'm still keeping my trips to grocery shopping or the post office and wearing a mask in those places. I have no interest in indoor dining, which just came back in my state, though with limitations (50% capacity, social distancing, physical barriers, etc.). I think the most danger lies within enclosed spaces, so if I do decide to dine out (highly unlikely at this point), I would choose outdoor dining. I'm still not sold that this is the right time, but I understand the economic pressures of trying to get the economy back on track. That said, if it's too soon, we could end up back in shutdown mode, which will be a heavy blow.
3 cases in new zealand now... i guess that didnt last... people are freaking out. Me, not so bothered as i felt it was going to come back anyway... you cant really keep something like that out. And we are going to open borders with Australia anyway soon, then China.. so i cant see how it could be kept out forever, it doesnt make sense.
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