I haven't posted anything about the situation here since Apr.22nd. But i continued writing down this creepy statistics

, because i thought that it would get better and would help me to calm down and feel more confident and safe. ...It got worse, therefore it didn't help my mental health,- vice versa, this statistics gave me anxiety and fear. They say that Russia has reached a so-called "plateau" (wtf???), but in many regions, the number of new cases (and of deaths) is only increasing.
New cases (from Apr.23rd to Jun.4th):

You can see the dynamics: right after May holidays, shashlyk-mashlyk (bbq), booze with friends, parties at countryside plots, trips "to the nature", etc.,- the number of new cases (a day) skyrocketed (if that's even a word). People are dumb, and all they want is constant entertainment, which is a "russian roulette" nowadays.
That said, there are 441108 contaminated by today in total (in the country); 204623 - fully recovered; 231101 - active cases (those who are still considered sick); 5384 - dead.
About Moscow: 184214 cases in total; 94715 - active cases; 2749 - dead (in Moscow city only, without satellite-towns and Moscow area).
About Moscow area (satellite-towns, settlements and villages): 41958 cases in total; 9877 - active cases; 534 - dead.
About SPb (my city): 17444 cases in total; 6695 - active cases; 264 - dead.
About SPb area: 3034 cases in total; 1829 - active cases; 15 - dead.
It's hard to say whether my hometown belongs to the city or to the area, because, e.g., Telmann's district is a part of Kolpino (it always has been), but it has a separate settlement status, and it officially belongs to the area. I've always believed that geographically, we belong to the area, but officially - to SPb, despite that Kolpino has a status of a separate town (it can't be different, as Kolpino has >300000 citizens, plus its own suburbs).
No one knows what the situation looks like in Kolpino (only rumours are flying around), but there are some towns in SPb area, which have much worse picture, that's for sure (e.g. town Tosno, which is next to out summer cottage!). Anyway, it's not a reason to relax, because most part of Kolpino citizens work in the city.
And, of course, while Elijah, Liza and David are currently staying at the country, they know that going to Tosno's grocery stores is prohibited. (It's really forbidden... but who will forbid hungry crowds of russians and migrants to go whenever they want)?? So Elijah buys food in Koltushi village (at their place), plus, he and mom buy food in 3 countryside kiosks.
P.S.: i can add from myself, that the situation in SPb is still better than in Moscow. Because Moscow's population may be up to 17 million people (unofficially, a.k.a. including migrants), and SPb's population is allegedly 5398064 (by 2020, officially). Despite the very controversial data, a simple proportion shows that the density of contaminated in SPb is much lower than in Moscow. And SPb area is on the 27th place among 85 federal subjects (which is a good sign). I know, my words about "good signs" sound ridiculous,- there is nothing good around (i just want to have some hope).