Health Issues The Everything Covid 19 Thread

I read about this company that makes 3 piece bathing suits. Tops, bottoms and face mask. I think they call them trikinis.
and I'm seeing for sale all kinds of printed face masks. Like for your sports team.

I wonder what is next. Matching face masks with shirts or ties? handbags?
Will the companies that make uniforms also make matching face masks?

HA. Googled it and I'm already behind the times

I read about this company that makes 3 piece bathing suits. Tops, bottoms and face mask. I think they call them trikinis.
and I'm seeing for sale all kinds of printed face masks. Like for your sports team.

I wonder what is next. Matching face masks with shirts or ties? handbags?
Will the companies that make uniforms also make matching face masks?

HA. Googled it and I'm already behind the times

I've long said i wished I liked to sew!
Those mask pictured would be itchy- I have one where the stitching is like that on the sides and it's very irritating
i still think they would be ok. i have been watching you tubes of travel in central asia... it is very quiet... not a lot of people going in and out of these little republics as they are very rural with not lots of facilities.
Countries like Uzbekhistan, Tadjikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan have a relatively low density of population. A lot of people live in rural area (in the mountains), so it definitely should help. *fingers crossed*.
On the opposite, our Caucasus is very exposed to this, unfortunately. The worst situation (in Caucasus) is in North Osetiya. But the government sent military doctors and movable hospitals there, and the situation has begun to stabilize.
We're seeing an increase in new confirmed cases in the US, especially in Michigan:

Click on the Yesterday button to compare.

Edit: The numbers just changed, with a huge drop in new cases from Michigan today. Maybe there was a mistake.
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  • Wow
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We're seeing an increase in new confirmed cases in the US, especially in Michigan:

Click on the Yesterday button to compare.

Edit: The numbers just changed, with a huge drop in new cases from Michigan today. Maybe there was a mistake.
Jesus Christ! I have a friend in Michigan, Bay City. I need to write her a letter ASAP. I hope she's ok,- i really do, but i'm nervous... :sheep:
Jesus Christ! I have a friend in Michigan, Bay City. I need to write her a letter ASAP. I hope she's ok,- i really do, but i'm nervous... :sheep:

Earlier today, it was reporting about 5,000 new cases in Michigan. Then it was revised to 300. So the 5,000 was probably a mistake.
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I read about this company that makes 3 piece bathing suits. Tops, bottoms and face mask. I think they call them trikinis.
and I'm seeing for sale all kinds of printed face masks. Like for your sports team.

I wonder what is next. Matching face masks with shirts or ties? handbags?
Will the companies that make uniforms also make matching face masks?

HA. Googled it and I'm already behind the times

I saw some with sequins lol.
Let's talk about the impact of COVID on animals. The impact on farm animals has been in the news a lot. We haven't talked as much about the impact on dogs and cats.

In NYC, people are complaining that there aren't enough animals available for adoption right now. In other areas, the shelters are overwhelmed.

If there was a second wave, it could displace more pets, and make it harder for ones currently in shelters to find homes. This is an important thing to consider as we re-open and decide how careful we want to be.
I think dogs and cats are in real good shape. My sister's dog thinks he has died and gone to heaven. He is never left alone anymore. There is always some one home. Although some sick or dead people can't take care of their pets anymore, it seems like I hear about friends and neighbors take them in most of the time. and some animal shelters are totally cleaned out for the first time ever.

The Humane Society has a Covid19 FAQ that goes into some issues that I hadn't really thought of. Like people not able to cover the costs associated with pet care and small businesses like pet stores that may be closed.

I recently lived in a city with a high-kill shelter and a lot of strays. During the time that I was there, they made a lot of progress in reducing the mortality rate and saving animals.

I just looked up their info again. I sent it to some NYC people who might want to adopt a dog. And I saw they're maxed out again. It was sad.

It's good that dogs and cats are doing ok so far. But most people don't have jobs where they can work from home. If the lockdown had lasted longer, there would have been an economic impact felt by pets. And there could still be trouble if more people get sick again.

But it doesn't seem to be spreading as fast right now. I wonder if it's the fact that it's summer or if the masks are making all the difference.
Covid19 vocabulary

Social Distancing (here in California, our Governor prefers Physical Distancing)

and now we have a COVID crew, pandemic pod, social bubble, pod, quaranteam, or bubble. - small, strict social circles outside your immediate household. San Francisco is defining "social bubbles" as 12 people or fewer from different households. You should only be in one social bubble at a time. These "social bubble" gatherings should occur outdoors, as it's believed there is a lower risk of transmitting the coronavirus outdoors.
These groups should remain stable for a period of three weeks before making any changes.
I'm creeped out by the way some of the vocab sugarcoats it. Go Quaranteam! Like this is all ok. It's not ok. Our government screwed us over and a lot of people have died because of it.

I like "Physical Distancing." It's accurate.

And of course here we have PAUSE instead of Shelter in Place.
  • Agree
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I haven't followed this topic very good, as it has been so much in the news here at home. And it has been quite a lot to take in. But thought I could give you a little update on Norway.

As most Nordic contries, we closed down quite a lot early. Schools, kindergardens, all kind of shops with personal care (hairdressers, beautysaloons etc), people worked from home, reduced capacity on the public communications and we had to teach grown people to wash their hands. Another bad part was of cause this terrible 2 meters distance, so we are now happy we don't have to stand so close to eachother and can go back to our normal 5 meters. Personal distancing in Norway isn't the hardest thing to do tbh, we don't like to be too close to eachother anyways.

Norway is a rich country, and that helped us a lot. We have used a LOT of money during this weeks, to save work places etc. People have been paied to stay at home with their kids who couldn't go to school example. Very few jobs are lost and now that we are reopening, people are getting their jobs back after being temporarly laid off. My work was never in danger and I have worked as normal with only a litt less to do as some of my customers have been closed.

So far we have 239 deaths. We have not had problem with the health care system to treat the Covid-19 cases. We flattened the curve well enough. Our medical staff had not chose who's going to survive or not (and we do not have a age limit if that scenario should happen, it's more into the picture if they need to decide). At the moment we have 22 people in hospital because of Covid-19. So this has worked well. Too well perhaps, as some people will claim we didn't need to shut down the society that much...

So now we are relaxing here. Too much. People don't wash their hands, don't use antibac in stores anymore, don't keep their distances and yeah. Now we wait to see if we get a second wave...
Today, at the Veterinary station, the Vet who was checking the cat, sneezed. Now I wonder whether she has corona...
I also have been starting to think that it's not a matter of if, but a matter of when. No one wears masks here.
This is unnerving, because some years ago I had a really bad pneumonia. I had to be hospitalized and was pretty much out of it most of the time.
If I have to be hospitalized, the cat probably dies too.