Health Issues The Everything Covid 19 Thread

I worry about blood clots. They are finding that based on autopsies of people who have died of covid19, that multiple clots were found.
I have the mutated MTHFR gene which makes me predisposed to clots. So if I ever get the virus I’m going to be a crazy person, more so than usual!
My mom and her mom had strokes in their 40’s and my sister had a DVT two years ago. :confused:
The big headline on CNN right now is in regards to certain blood types making people more vulnerable. I heard about this awhile ago and now it seems to be verified or at least more probable. It is Type A that is the issue, A+, A-, AB+, AB-.

So please, if you are one of these blood types, be even more careful!

Emma JC

Everybody speaks about it over here, and that's pretty depressing. We don't use letters,- we use numbers, so my type is II (A) Rh «+». In a nutshell, A+. It's the most common type on Earth, and the most common one among people of Slavic origin (genotype). I heard that people with this type are more exposed than others, and that mortality rate is higher among those with A+. I just want to believe that exposure and mortality also depend on something else... want to believe, blin.:pout:
Today at work I was called to the office to be told in confidence that we have an employee who tested positive for the virus. This is not to be told to anyone so you all must keep this secret! I was informed that they have contacted anyone who was in close contact with this person and they are to stay at home. I am trying to figure out who these missing people are!
Kevin said his hospital is getting more cases and the nurses are being offered extra shifts with pay bonuses.
My blood type is 0- so at least that is good for me!
Daughter is freaking out. The cousin that she went to Myrtle Beach with received a phone call from the health department regarding the form they had to fill out, about quarantining, at the airport. They had her on the phone for 45 minutes! My daughter is anticipating she will get a call as well. Then my cousin received this via email...I guess they are not messing around lol...
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Just heard on the news that mass vaccination against covid in Russia will get started in September. I have no idea what i should do. We really need this mass vaccination, because kids will go to school, and teachers need to be healthy and safe too. How to make it to the vaccine??
Today was a nerve-wracking day, because my lung pain wouldn't go away, and only one of my virtual energy instruments, a.k.a. "Stereo-movement" helped me to cease the pain. I'm so grateful to Sumerian gods that they gave it to me one day. There is one more instrument, more powerful, but that's another story. Everything is in my head, but when my head is a mess and if it's in total disorder, i can't make my blocky carcass work and repair itself. My main daily request to Sumerian gods is "Help me overcome my fear, help me not to fear". And i always say: "You are my only hope, and every moment i feel, that you are with me, and that i belong with you. You didn't leave me when i was at death's door, and you did the impossible, having brought me back to life, so you'll probably manage all this crazy stuff that is going on now. I'm begging you to do the impossible again, because i know that you can". 🥺
What about the sad news: two health care workers died recently in Kolpino. One man worked as a therapist in 71st town's clinic (it's not my district). Another victim was a woman,- she worked as a surgeon's assistant in our, 95th clinic! 95th clinic is located literally 100 meters from my house, and we are "attached" to it from birth. Moreover, we don't choose a therapist (he's/she's given to us according to the house and street where we live). Not long ago, it became possible to change your therapist, having asked the clinic's director. That's what i did on mom's request. We were given another therapist. I really hope she's ok. And i hope that my 1st neurologist is ok (he's in the risk group, because he's obese and has high blood pressure). But i have no intention to go there for a prescription of my painkillers, because damn, people die in that clinic! ...That's why i collected a big storage of painkillers, and i also ask mom to look for them and buy them, if she occasionally drops by a pharmacy shop. A few days ago, she went to a small drug store and managed to buy 2 packs of painkillers. Luckily, it's not required that a provisor takes my prescription and keeps it. Pregabalin (a.k.a. Lyrica) would be a problem. But Gabapentin is easier to get.
Then she got this:

FURTHER, I DO HEREBY give notice that your failure to comply with the provisions of this Order may subject you to criminal prosecution pursuant to the terms of Section 12-b of the Public Health Law.
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there are competing news articles out there about the blood type issue, some saying yes, some saying no it doesn't make a difference... eventually we will get an answer and we should all be equally careful anyways - just like I heard a doctor yesterday saying "we know this is a respiratory disease" and I think we are way beyond that now, understanding that it is a clotting of the blood disease and the lungs are one of the organs that are affected - so not all are up to speed on what we are really dealing with

I still watch MedCram YouTube videos, despite their being very much geared toward medical professionals. He is an ER doctor and is very up on the science and reads all the latest published works. Sort of like a doctor Greger for covid.

Emma JC
Daughter is freaking out. The cousin that she went to Myrtle Beach with received a phone call from the health department regarding the form they had to fill out, about quarantining, at the airport. They had her on the phone for 45 minutes! My daughter is anticipating she will get a call as well. Then my cousin received this via email...I guess they are not messing around lol...
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Yep, Cuomo is not messing around. I read that if people who come to NY airports don't fill out the form, they have to pay $2,000 fine!

@Chryssie YIKES on the positive-COVID co-worker. So do you have to quarantine for the 14 days?
Yep, Cuomo is not messing around. I read that if people who come to NY airports don't fill out the form, they have to pay $2,000 fine!

@Chryssie YIKES on the positive-COVID co-worker. So do you have to quarantine for the 14 days?

Since I was not contacted that I was in close contact with this anonymous person, no, I do not have to quarantine. Working only part time I see some of my co-workers only rarely, like the ones that work nights.
I don’t know if you guys watched to the very end. It ends with her asking, “mom, can I play on my iPad tomorrow” and she has a big grin and everyone laughs lol.
It’s true though. Has to be stressful for kids. Look at how it affects us adults. Some are just better than others at handling tough situations.
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The big headline on CNN right now is in regards to certain blood types making people more vulnerable. I heard about this awhile ago and now it seems to be verified or at least more probable. It is Type A that is the issue, A+, A-, AB+, AB-.

So please, if you are one of these blood types, be even more careful!

Emma JC

I read the article and the studies weren't that big or conclusive. So based on the studies I don't think you should change your behavior. Just be careful out there.

I've ordered a new mask. My sister got one of these and although they are expensive I really like the fact that you can hang it from your neck when you are not using it. I'm getting one and one of my sister's friend is getting another so we can take advantage of the order 2 discount.

The Giants and the Niners are giving away 200,00 "branded" masks. As a niner fan I hope I can score one.

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Those are very nice masks but they are expensive! I admit I did spend $25 on a mask from the Animal Rescue site which I support. Part of those proceeds go to feeding shelter animals. This one supports a good cause too! I have to think about this one now!
I read the article and the studies weren't that big or conclusive. So based on the studies I don't think you should change your behavior. Just be careful out there.

I've ordered a new mask. My sister got one of these and although they are expensive I really like the fact that you can hang it from your neck when you are not using it. I'm getting one and one of my sister's friend is getting another so we can take advantage of the order 2 discount.

The Giants and the Niners are giving away 200,00 "branded" masks. As a niner fan I hope I can score one.

That's just how I did my elastic on the one I made! That part worked great, just not the mask so much...I had saved that tie 'stop' thing from an old windbreaker. See? Junk drawer stuff!