This is the creepy statistics for covid in the country this summer (from Jun.1st to Jul.22nd).

Today they reported about 5848 new cases. Dinamics is not as optimistic as everyone would want to see, but, at least, we don't have 11000 new cases daily, like it used to be in May.
Nevertheless, my city is the most contaminated, even compared to Moscow! Because in Moscow, new cases have significantly decreased, but in SPb, there are still about 185 new cases every day, which is a lot, compared to 600 cases in Moscow which has 20 million population. And SPb has the highest mortality rate in the country.
Yesterday, a shocking news came, and now we (our choreography department) are discussing it. Our bosses haven't even heard about it yet. In a nutshell, SPb's mayor, Beglov, gave an order that 10%(!!!) of employees in culture and education should be fired. (Not furloughed, but fired). *total facepalm*. Everyone is ****ing scared now. Even i am scared.

Our economics is screwed up, like every economic systems on the planet. They confess, that we're in the midst of a tough crisis at the moment, and it will be worse. This crisis and economic recession is the worst since post-Perestroika times. In case if someone doesn't know what Perestroika is:
Daily statistics of new cases for the whole country (Jun.1st-Jul.22nd):