Health Issues The Everything Covid 19 Thread

Everyone knows that for some years supermarket sales of vegan protein products and the isle space devoted to them have been on the up and that meat sales have been correspondingly down. Meat has been bought less frequently and in smaller quantities.

There has been an interesting development since Covid changed just about everything. Vegan foods are still on the rise but surprisingly so also are meat sales.

Commentators put this down to what they call “indulgence”. Rather than dining out people wanting to indulge themselves with a “decadent” meal have instead bought larger quantities of meat to cook and eat at home.

But fear not! This does not mean that more animals are going to slaughter. The supermarket sales may be up but far less has been bought through the wholesale market by businesses in the hospitality trade.

Can’t the study of the intricacies of commerce sometimes just make your head hurt?

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Can’t the study of the intricacies of commerce sometimes just make your head hurt?


I read something about this a while back, if necessary I'll go back and find it.
It did have numbers and studies cited and referenced. The USDA does keep track of all this kind of stuff.

anyway, the article's conclusion is that although meat and milk sales ARE going up. that can be attributed to more people and more people who can afford meat. Worldwide.

That the amount of red meat and milk people ate and drank was down per person. That both the beef and dairy industry was aware of this and were trying to find solutions. They also were careful to point out that these trends were modern. You see a different pattern if you go back far enough.

Chicken and pork sales were up. But the article concluded that was at the expense of beef sales. People were eating less beef and replacing it with chicken and pork. Total meat sales per person were on the decline.
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Well, level one tomorrow. People here seem excited, i could tell as some were driving stupidly here, though then again i see crazy driving here everyday. But went to the shops yesterday and there is an anticipatory level 1 feeling... i have my lush shop trip planned too, will also go to the grocer across town and get my mustard, i have been waiting 3 months for it. :)
Last thing we need is loonies panicking and clearing the store shelves, everything is fine relax.
I live in Ontario and we don't need suggestions about stocking up, someone will go without.

that is ludicrous - stocking up isn't about emptying shelves - it is about having enough on hand that you don't have to go out as often to shop and if for any reason things get a bit worse then you have enough to hunker down and not expose yourself unnecessarily

also, if you do get sick, from Covid or the flu or for any other reason, you also have enough available to get through the time period without having to rely on anyone or dealing with deliveries etc

I have extra of most things that I use on a regular basis and when I use something up then I replace it and that way fresh foods and replacement are the only things that I have to concern myself with - now that the cooler weather is here I can store some of the potatoes, carrots etc outside.

Emma JC
Well, level one tomorrow. People here seem excited, i could tell as some were driving stupidly here, though then again i see crazy driving here everyday. But went to the shops yesterday and there is an anticipatory level 1 feeling... i have my lush shop trip planned too, will also go to the grocer across town and get my mustard, i have been waiting 3 months for it. :)
I might order from Lush. I love that store. I haven't been there in months. Enjoy your mustard! :heart_eyes:
leave me alone in future thanks, i find you very rude.
I agree!
that is ludicrous - stocking up isn't about emptying shelves - it is about having enough on hand that you don't have to go out as often to shop and if for any reason things get a bit worse then you have enough to hunker down and not expose yourself unnecessarily

also, if you do get sick, from Covid or the flu or for any other reason, you also have enough available to get through the time period without having to rely on anyone or dealing with deliveries etc

I have extra of most things that I use on a regular basis and when I use something up then I replace it and that way fresh foods and replacement are the only things that I have to concern myself with - now that the cooler weather is here I can store some of the potatoes, carrots etc outside.

Emma JC
Yes, exactly. Some people like me don't have access to a car and we also don't have a lot of family and friends near us that could help if we needed food, pet food or essentials. Most of my husband's family (who live near us) are disabled so were shielding last lockdown so we want to make sure we have supplies if we have another lockdown here.

I have stocked up on beans as they were something I couldn't lay my hands on easily during lockdown. I went through my cupboards today and I feel we are very well prepared if we have to be again. :)
I might order from Lush. I love that store. I haven't been there in months. Enjoy your mustard! :heart_eyes:

I agree!

Yes, exactly. Some people like me don't have access to a car and we also don't have a lot of family and friends near us that could help if we needed food, pet food or essentials. Most of my husband's family (who live near us) are disabled so were shielding last lockdown so we want to make sure we have supplies if we have another lockdown here.

I have stocked up on beans as they were something I couldn't lay my hands on easily during lockdown. I went through my cupboards today and I feel we are very well prepared if we have to be again. :)

Thank you. The guy who i wanted to inform to stock up is a single man who recently lost his apartment and is living in short term housing, he also doesnt have touch with his family ... he is young, only 24, so i wanted to give him a heads up as he is by himself.
that is ludicrous - stocking up isn't about emptying shelves - it is about having enough on hand that you don't have to go out as often to shop and if for any reason things get a bit worse then you have enough to hunker down and not expose yourself unnecessarily

also, if you do get sick, from Covid or the flu or for any other reason, you also have enough available to get through the time period without having to rely on anyone or dealing with deliveries etc

I have extra of most things that I use on a regular basis and when I use something up then I replace it and that way fresh foods and replacement are the only things that I have to concern myself with - now that the cooler weather is here I can store some of the potatoes, carrots etc outside.

Emma JC

Yes. Thanks.. and i mean, getting some extra backup stuff is one thing, it isnt the same as the real bad behaviour of, say, buying 100 paper towel packets like has happened in some cases...

The last lockdown we had i only knew 3 hours in advance as they told people at 10:15pm and i had already switched the tv and internet off by that point so i didnt know until the next morning...
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Ahhhhh, well, I see things have calmed down here a bit. Yeah, there is a difference between stocking up and buying out (purchasing all of something).

I've been buying an extra pack of grains or beans when I go shopping, slowly collecting extra food in case things get bad here and going out becomes inadvisable.

And things are getting bad! We have new COVID outbreaks! The mayor is responding to it by insulting the Orthodox Jewish community even though people of all backgrounds all over the city are choosing not to follow the guidelines. That's making people angry, and increasingly skeptical of the reasoning behind the restrictions.

It's setting the stage for worse things to come. You can just google NYC news to get a sense of it.

I'm already staying in more. I'm still helping with hunger relief, but I'm honing in on the work where I'm needed the most, dropping the lower-need projects, and wearing gloves.
I’m doing the same as far as buying an extra bag of this or that every couple of weeks. Certainly not clearing out the shelves. But I was left in a bad place the first time we locked down. I had a lot of junk food but could get no flour, no yeast, no toilet paper, no sanitizing products. So once things came back in stock I started buying one or two things so at least if people go crazy again I won’t be left without some basics. I understand what thinman means...I’d hate to start seeing people stripping shelves bare again. I think people did panic and went overboard. Some things are still hard to get but not anything I can’t live without. But I see nothing wrong with making sure you have a supply of staples for that maybe rainy day.
I remember all that! I remember the baking craze, where all the flour was gone, and the oat bran... and people were all crowded into the flour aisle and i couldnt get in there to get stuff as they were planning their next home bake off... lol..

Toilet paper was bought up at the beginning but then more was produced, a lot more as it turned out it was filling the whole supermarket, even some in the vegetable aisles, so that wasnt a problem. The biggest problem was soap, wipes and disenfectant...
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Still seems like toilet paper hasn't picked up.
I definitely want to pick up more beans (regardless of covid-no black beans)
Yeast had been gone quite a while! Even vital wheat gluten!

I can't begin to think what rumps spread is going to do - both with the election and the crazy cult of Q
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The people that will be stripping the shelves will probably be the people who haven't been stocking up gradually over weeks and months like we have.

The restrictions have been made tighter in Scotland and next week they might extend to England too. There could also be a ban on overnight stays away from home in certain areas so that might mean I won't be going for my overnight trip to the coast.
I think it would be a good thing if stores would limit quantities of certain items that customers can buy. Even now, you can’t buy certain items online. You have to go into the store. And some stores are limiting purchases to two per customer, depending on the item.
Morning/afternoon y'all! I am working in the afternoon, 1-5, in Jewelry today. Then I will head over to Central 28 for Sweets-n-Eats. It is going to be another hot day with low rain chances.
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