The Everything Non-Dairy Thread

Why do you think the B12 they supplement foods with is any different than the B12 you supplement as sublinguals? It's actually better to take on an empty stomach

I do not even have sublinguals. As said earlier I had supplements and they ran out and it would be a few days before I would get more. As I did. I do not see why skipping several days between each is alright. I think then, if I miss any days especially, I should have some food with that vitamin. I have settled with it being in rice milk or soy milk that I now get, just having it with coffee every other night when I wake up, as I alternate with a green tea the other times, and just occasionally with oatmeal, and when the warmer part of the year comes and I stop having oatmeal I will then start with the raisin bran that I found that is also fortified with that vitamin. It sure can be in food, it is in what others eat that get it, just as grazing animals get it. I might get it as they do if I was getting vegetables right from good soil and heating up with little rinsing first.
Maybe I would have such vegetables growing in contact with the soil where there are the vitamin B12 producing bacteria, and just rinse them lightly before using in meals, and have the vitamin adequately then. It would be possible that way if I ever come to land where I might be growing my food, just as I would like to do. But where I live and how I have it this is not possible.
I did a little googling and I could not find a very definitive reference.
However it is my understanding that, yes you can get B12 from unwashed vegetables. but it's not a good idea not to wash your food.

Carnivores get b12 from the meat of herbivores.
Herbivores have bacteria in their guts that produce B12. and although the site of B12 absobrion is pretty far down - they have complicated GI tracts that allow for B12 absorption.
Primates also have bacteria in their colon that produce B12 but the site of absorbing is before that so they can't absorb b12 that way,
Rabbits are sort of the exception. They are vegetarian, and their digestive system is pretty straight forward . They get their b12 by eating their poop.
Some primates do that too. plus most primates are not purely vegetarian. And in the wild they don't wash their veggies first.

Anyway the best source of B12 for vegans is supplementation.