I'm not arguing that people have different socialisation, nor that radical Muslims, nationalists and other groups don't exist. It's just that I don't see myself, as a British person, as any way more advanced and less medieval than any other group of people. I don't think we can measure other societies against our standards and claim we are any more advanced, especially given that we have our wealth due to colonialism and we continue to have our wealth because our governments (speaking for the UK and the USA) actively support undemocratic governments for our economic gain.
I'm not sure how useful terms like 'medieval' really are, but there are going to be differences whatever standards we measure by I think. Even among countries of roughly similar wealth, some societies are going to be better* than others. We measure our (first-world collective) own against each other and find this as well.
Also, I don't really understand the last part. Why does that prevent us from losing wealth?
Why don't many people kick off in the UK? Perhaps because for example, religious minorities have a lot more freedom here (I can't speak for any other country in great detail as I have lived here all my life) and there is a greater distribution of wealth. Perhaps to show displeasure at something, they would hold a peaceful protest because to bomb, or kick off, would be counter productive to achieving something. However, in countries where people might be shot, or tortured by their government for exercising freedom of speech, they may not have that option...
In this case though, it seems more like violent opposition to free speech. They don't seem to be protecting themselves from anything.
That governments commit acts of terrorism and in my view, contribute to keeping terrorist groups going for political gain. This has happened throughout history, probably in the majority of governments.
I don't have any particular disagreement with that, but I would think when you want to judge what society is 'more advanced' or something like that, it only makes sense that if they both share one attribute, it doesn't affect the 'score' between them.
Well, what's the motivation? I mean it's one thing for a system to be unconsciously biased against any random group, but for a
worldwide system to specifically target 'certain groups of people' for oppression, there would have to be some reason they were chosen, or else it amounts to something like:
'hey *random group of people*, let's go oppress... uh... that one guy over there!'
'wait, why?'
'um... 'cause.'
'meh, alright.'
Do you follow the line of people in other countries being any more tribal, or barbaric than in Western countries? Do you not think that most people just want to have a roof over their heads, a little respect and some autonomy in their lives?
Barbaric... mm... probably not in principle, though maybe in practice. Tribal would depend where you go, but I don't think westerners in general are very tribal at all anymore, so probably. Then again, I'm thinking of tribes in a more historical cultural sense. There could be equivalents in western societies, depending on what exactly makes a tribe. Things like certain large gangs for example, which are more involved than just (criminal) enterprise.
The majority of protests were peaceful... But where they tended to kick off, there have been tensions with the USA as it is.
I don't expect any sort of violent majority. I can't even think of examples of that, really.
*better is obviously subjective, as preferences aside, a society may provide a better quality of life to somebody of a certain race, wealth, sex, and so on. I suppose it could mean 'better on average' or 'better worst case scenario that isn't a freak accident'.