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The Minimalist Vegan

I don't understand all these minimalist blogs, books, magazines, videos....
Seems like a ton of fuss and rules to just say "quit buying stuff, quit storing stuff, find a place for what you have".
But that doesn't make anyone an income I guess
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I was following a minimalist page on FB. They will tell you it's so much more than that, lol. Oh the fights that go on over there...I finally quit them.
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I have found minimalism so helpful to my life.

I can see why people might see minimalism as pretentious, probably how some people view veg/veganism.:D To me, minimalism means keeping stuff in your life that adds value and getting rid of the stuff that doesn't.:) Personally, I feel stressed having clutter around.
I can tell I might have dormant hoarder tendencies. I like stuff, I lived that "shabby chic" fashion all my life! Like old tableclothes on the windows, tied back with jewelry, pins stuff in the wall as tacks...
I went through a time when I purged so much of my stuff-and totally regret it. I gave away my vinyl collection that I couldn't possible replace.
When I first left home, kinda impulsively, my mother literally emptied my room. I had boxes of journals, just gone. Pictures, clothes.
I live minimally. I hate to shop, have few needs, but the idea of cleansing everything for ??? what?
I guess that applies to some people, but it can hurtful to promote it as some kind 'freeing' liberating thing for everyone, because it's not.
I'm so freakin' uncomfortable in a house that all clean and sparse. I'm much more at home amid personal treasures.
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When I first left home, kinda impulsively, my mother literally emptied my room. I had boxes of journals, just gone. Pictures, clothes.

:hug:Oh, that is probably why you feel that way. That must have been horrible for you.:(

I was thrown out of my home as a teen by my mother and that is probably why I don't put any value on knick-knacks or anything like that.
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I definitely need help with decluttering which is why I was following some groups on FB...to get inspiration and it did help some. My living space is under control but I can't stop saving stuff. It's hard for me to throw stuff away or get rid of things. I am of the mentality that "someday this is going to come in mighty handy ". So I have boxes and bins filled with stuff. I made a good start when I rented the dumpster and cleared out the attic. I'm doing better but still want to go further and reduce more. It feels so much better and definitely helps with the anxiety when things are less cluttered and organized.
I have been trying to reduce my possessions over time, I'm a long way from being minimalist though. Electronics books and music and movies instead of physical versions is a help. So is writing things down on a computer instead of paper. I think it's a good initiative. Possessions weigh you down in a way because they tie you to a place and make it harder to go and live in other countries or go travelling.

Also, cutting carbon emissions to an amount necessary to meet targets needed to stop runaway warming is not possible without cutting purchasing habits.
I live in a small house (600 sq ft) with rescue animals so it really helps to have less stuff when it comes to cleaning and tidying up.

I found one of the most valuable things I did was declutter my wardrobe. Now I only have a certain amount of clothing/outfits so I never have to think about what to wear. I don't want to waste time thinking about pointless stuff.:D It also means that I wear all my clothes, before I had some items in my wardrobe that I never wore.

Create a Decision-Free Closet to Reduce Decision Fatigue - Be More with Less
I live in a small house (600 sq ft) with rescue animals so it really helps to have less stuff when it comes to cleaning and tidying up.

I found one of the most valuable things I did was declutter my wardrobe. Now I only have a certain amount of clothing/outfits so I never have to think about what to wear. I don't want to waste time thinking about pointless stuff.:D It also means that I wear all my clothes, before I had some items in my wardrobe that I never wore.

Create a Decision-Free Closet to Reduce Decision Fatigue - Be More with Less

I also think that most people have far too many clothes stacked in their wardrobes. I usually do a big clean up once a year and donate most of it to charity shops in the UK or Canada. However, I have a big problem with books and like to keep them. As I only have a one bedroom flat, I don't have room for a book case so many of them are stored away in the garage.

I'm happy to say that I have actually started to buy far less clothes. I usually try and buy good quality brands when they are on sale.
My next clean up will be just before Spring when the weather is warmer as it is quite cold in the garage. Last year's clean up was in May when I worked for 3 solid days doing a huge job. I threw quite a few items away and gave hoards of magazines to an elder neighbour. She in turn gives them to a retirement home.

Do you have a two bedroom house as it is quite small ? My flat is 45 sq metres which is fine for one person except for storage as I only have one built in wardrobe and a garage were I have a couple of wardrobes and two huge shelf units.

I would certainly like to be more minimalist but it is easier said than done.:(
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I don't know what I would do if I didn't have an attic/basement. The basement space is minimal as son lives down there. But it's almost like the more space there is, the more I feel like I can save stuff which thwarts any hope of minimalism. Plus having "things" helps me feel in control, I think...that being prepared for anything feeling.

When I moved here, the house was listed as having 900 square feet of living space, but in reality, it's just under 800. Which is perfectly fine for me and my husband. It was tight when all three children were home. It's pretty much a square box with kitchen, living room, one medium size bedroom and a small bedroom and a small bathroom. The bathroom was interesting when there was five of us, lol.
I should have mentioned and six cats, back then when it was the five humans, lol.
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My house is two bedroom, but the cats basically have the smaller bedroom as their own.:rolleyes: There is one built-in wardrobe in that room which basically houses nearly everything we own. We don't have any attic space as we had insulation fitted and we don't have a garage, or even a shed to store stuff. The house doesn't even have an under stairs cupboard! It's pretty small for all of us.:p

If I wanted to live here for a long time I would probably get some clever space-saving storage fitted.

I'm happy to say that I have actually started to buy far less clothes. I usually try and buy good quality brands when they are on sale.

Yes, that is exactly what I want to do. It's better for the environment and the people who make the clothes to buy quality clothes less often.:)
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I don't know what I would do if I didn't have an attic/basement. The basement space is minimal as son lives down there. But it's almost like the more space there is, the more I feel like I can save stuff which thwarts any hope of minimalism. Plus having "things" helps me feel in control, I think...that being prepared for anything feeling.

When I moved here, the house was listed as having 900 square feet of living space, but in reality, it's just under 800. Which is perfectly fine for me and my husband. It was tight when all three children were home. It's pretty much a square box with kitchen, living room, one medium size bedroom and a small bedroom and a small bathroom. The bathroom was interesting when there was five of us, lol.

I'm kind of like that. I like to have stuff just in case of some kind of emergency situation. I also store wine in the garage. I usually buy it when it's on SO so it works out cheaper. I have a huge wardrobe where I store all my soya milk and a few other grocery items.
800 sq feet sounds quite small. Anyway, it's always better having a small home that belongs to you than to rent a huge one.
My house is two bedroom, but the cats basically have the smaller bedroom as their own.:rolleyes: There is one built-in wardrobe in that room which basically houses nearly everything we own. We don't have any attic space as we had insulation fitted and we don't have a garage, or even a shed to store stuff. The house doesn't even have an under stairs cupboard! It's pretty small for all of us.:p

If I wanted to live here for a long time I would probably get some clever space-saving storage fitted.

Yes, that is exactly what I want to do. It's better for the environment and the people who make the clothes to buy quality clothes less often.:)

Lucky pets - having a huge room for themselves. They'll never know how lucky they were to have a mum like you.
My house is two bedroom, but the cats basically have the smaller bedroom as their own.:rolleyes: There is one built-in wardrobe in that room which basically houses nearly everything we own. We don't have any attic space as we had insulation fitted and we don't have a garage, or even a shed to store stuff. The house doesn't even have an under stairs cupboard! It's pretty small for all of us.:p

If I wanted to live here for a long time I would probably get some clever space-saving storage fitted.

Yes, that is exactly what I want to do. It's better for the environment and the people who make the clothes to buy quality clothes less often.:)
Wow, that is small and good for you for making it work. It's encouraging for me to see that it can be done.

I could give the cats the small bedroom but, IT'S MINE!!!! Muahaha! Lol. Husband snores something terrible so it has become my safe haven, especially when I'm having a bad night sleeping, myself. And the cats are not allowed in if I end up there during the night and I'm trying to sleep.

I have been considering switching over to the couch on such nights. I may put Bratt's cage in the small bedroom and put the other three in the room with him at bedtime. That way if I need to use the bathroom during the night or I want to go in the kitchen if I can't sleep, I won't be fighting them off. They will be tucked in their nice little room.
If I practice any minimalist tendencies, it is more due to being poor most of my life and not having a lot of finances. I have never bought new furniture (except computer, printer etc). Most of my clothes are second hand except some exercise clothes and a coat I have had for nine years and a pair of gloves. My specialty hiking shoes and boots are new as they are vegan ones I couldn't find locally.

I have rarely traveled far. Only once out of country to Canada, and only to Ohio and Texas for a few trips. Otherwise I stay local. Would love to go overseas but that will likely never happen.

I don't buy a ton of fancy foods since well, there are not that many up here. We don't have Miyokos products, or Kite Hill, or many of the other products people talk about. So I tend to stick to whole foods and simple stuff.

I used to hoard books but haven't acquired any for some time, but I am guilty of buying magazines. I do hoard food....lots of dry bulk grains, beans, nutritional yeast, cans of tomato paste etc. I have a cupboard FULL of these kinds of items, and always have baking/cooking supplies on hand. I feel naked without them lol. I wish I could buy only what I will eat that week, but I have this innate need to always have extra food on hand. Maybe from years of self restriction and deprivation. Or from years ago going without food for meals because of lack of finances.

Entertainment for me is cheap...walking/hiking, snowshoeing, cycling, dancing, reading, baths, forums. Not big on going out to movies or eating out. I know people who have snowmobiles, boats, cabins etc. I guess I do have a lot of "equipment" in the way of bicycle, snowshoes, canoe lol.

I have more clothes than I should due to years of my weight going up and down. I feel like I have to keep three of every size handy lol.

I am simplistic with cleaning. I use lemon juice, washing soda, vinegar, hot water. A bottle of vegan shampoo lasts me for months. I used to make my own with pure essential oils but got lazy. I don't wear or have makeup on hand, very little jewelry, a few scarves.

I live in a two bedroom house with my partner. It is his house and he owned it long before I moved in. I used to live in one bedroom apartments for years, and would be perfectly content in an efficiency if I lived alone.

I don't consider myself a minimalist. Just average. I have a lot of knickknack stuff I could live without, but I enjoy it too much. :)
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I don't know what I would do if I didn't have an attic/basement. The basement space is minimal as son lives down there. But it's almost like the more space there is, the more I feel like I can save stuff which thwarts any hope of minimalism. Plus having "things" helps me feel in control, I think...that being prepared for anything feeling.

When I moved here, the house was listed as having 900 square feet of living space, but in reality, it's just under 800. Which is perfectly fine for me and my husband. It was tight when all three children were home. It's pretty much a square box with kitchen, living room, one medium size bedroom and a small bedroom and a small bathroom. The bathroom was interesting when there was five of us, lol.
That's my house too! One son in basement, one up, 9 cats, and myself. Just right!
Today I'm gonna fix up the rest of the basement space as there's a separate room for my son, and plenty of other room for storage
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I'm sure one of the reasons I like having a capsule wardrobe is because I went to Catholic school, so I was used to wearing a uniform for years.

I was following a minimalist page on FB. They will tell you it's so much more than that, lol. Oh the fights that go on over there...I finally quit them.

I meant to ask you yesterday, what in the world are they fighting about?:confused: It seems like some online people just want to pick a fight on any subject, no matter how innocent. :D

Lucky pets - having a huge room for themselves. They'll never know how lucky they were to have a mum like you.

Well, it's not really a large room, but I agree they are quite spoiled.:p
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I meant to ask you yesterday, what in the world are they fighting about?:confused: It seems like some online people just want to pick a fight on any subject, no matter how innocent. :D

A lot of it is arguing over what being minimalist means...for some it's decluttering, learning to live with less, like some of this discussion. Others take it to a whole new level...not using toilet paper but reusable cloths as well. Same for women's personal products. Having one set of utensils for each member of the household. And on and on. Then you have those who get annoyed when a newcomer asks for direction as to whether or not they should keep it dispose of something. Kind of like after being vegan for awhile and then we get questions about why honey isn't vegan, or ethical eggs, lol.

I guess people get tired of answering the same questions over and over. But it's not like anyone is obligated to reply. There are enough members in the group who do. I don't know why some people feel the need to ***** and whine instead of just ignoring the post because that's what always starts the arguments.
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