The Nostalgia Thread

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Alllll the time. In fact, for most of my medical transcription career, I used audio cassettes, and because they were used so much, there was a constant fear that the tape inside the cassettes would break, risking the loss of the doctors' dictation, and they did NOT like having to redictate their reports. I remember trying to splice broken tape together to retrieve dictation. It was a relief when digital dictation came in. :p

Apparently audio cassettes are still a thing, to some people. A used record and media store in West Los Angeles recently had a sale on prerecorded audio cassettes, as well as some blank cassettes. I had no idea they had any to sell. I've been going through my audio cassettes to see what I can get rid of. Maybe this store will buy them from me. For my part, with certain exceptions, I'm happy to be rid of them and glad they're more or less obsolete. The audio cassette, IMHO, is rather a poor medium for music because of the distorted sounds it produces, and because the tape inside is so fragile.
In 2004, prior to my year of studying in Canada, I purchased a TV/VCR combo for my dorm room. It was the last generation of its kind, because everything going forward was DVD only, and even the DVD/VCR combos were being phased out. I liked having it for recording and watching TV programs that were on during class. Then it started eating tapes just when I rewound them. The result was a lot like this cassette tape image. I still have the TV, and it still works. It was my only TV up until about two years ago when my boss gifted me with a small flat screen TV she no longer needed. People used to tease me for my old TV and ask why I didn't upgrade it. I said, because it still works, and I don't care about having a large screen TV, and until it breaks, I don't see the point of throwing it away and having it go to waste when it still functions. I still feel that way. I will likely still keep it as a backup to my hand-me-down TV. I am frugal that way.
I remember my dad taping comedy programs from the TV with his magnetophone.
That must have been in the 1970's so even though high-quality cassette recorders were widely available at that time, he was likely doing it for (possibly presumed) quality reasons.

However, we hated it, as we were then not allowed to laugh out loudly, as that would have ended up on the recording.
Kind of spoiled the fun for the rest of us.
Yes, that!

Watched "Wargames" with my wife yesterday. She had not seen the movie before, but liked it...

I had, of course, seen it a number of times, when it came out. Was dreaming of one day getting a 300 bps modem for my C64, but the telphone costs were quite prohibitive in Europe at that time....
Barbie dream house then:

And now:

That's me on the left...roller head...lmao
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