Animal Advocacy The Petition Thread

Please sign and share this petition with as many people (particularly as many vegans as possible, but not just vegans) as possible and help it go viral!

On December 13, 2022, Giuseppe died of exhaustion and cold in his van parked since 2014 in Beaubourg.

He had been evicted from his accommodation in the 4th arrondissement in 2010 because he fed the pigeons daily. Living in his old van, he suffered insults, threats, physical attacks, flat tires, repeated tickets for excessive parking. Entirely devoted to pigeons, he fell ill and gave them his life ! Giuseppe is a hero !

So that he didn't die in vain, I ask the Paris City Hall:

1) To authorize the feeding of the pigeons of Beaubourg and all those of Paris without FINING those who feed them because they love and respect them

2) To put back into use and/or to put in place CONTRACEPTIVE DOVECOTES that are regularly upkept.

Pigeons are accused of dirtying cars (which soon will have disappeared from the city..) and facades. They are slaughtered by pest control companies paid a lot of money to kill them in terrible suffering.

Let's not forget that these birds bring life and play their role in the fauna of our cities and that they have rendered us great services during the wars by carrying the messages of the resistance fighters for our Freedom!

We owe kindness and good care to the animals that share our places of life. Without them, what would our already damaged Earth be, from which thousands of species are disappearing because of us ?

WEST Ham ace Kurt Zouma might be prosecuted for animal cruelty as nearly 50,000 individuals have signed a petition calling for justice.
The defender was filmed kicking one in every of his two cats like a soccer and slapping it out of a kid’s fingers in disturbing footage filmed at his multimillion-pound mansion.
