Well, depending on which church you talk to, Catholocism has very little in common with various Protestant denominations. One of the official positions of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, for example, is that the Pope is the Antichrist. I don't think it's the only Protestant denomination with that view either.
ETA: Here's the official statement of the LCMS:
The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (another Lutheran denomination, more conservative than the Missouri Synod) has the same official position on the Pope, except that their position goes on for several pages on the subject.
BTW, neither the Missouri Synod nor the Wisconsin Synod permit the ordination of women. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America does, but I'd have to look up their position on the Antichrist thing. I grew up in the ELCA, and while it's by far the most liberal of the various Lutheran denominations in the U.S., I remember how we were instructed, in confirmation class, that it would be no more acceptable to marry a Catholic than it would be to marry a Muslim or a Hindu, and that it might be not quite as bad to marry an atheist, because there might be more hope for them.
But really, one should confine oneself to Lutherans or, at a reach, some other kind of Protestant.